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When I wake up I roll over to see Pan asleep in bed. I remember what happened last night, he and I very much have a love hate relationship. we fight often and soon after it's like it never happened.

It seems like a lovely day today. I get out of bed and walk over to the wardrobe to select something to wear.
I choose something simple, black jeans and a baby blue detailed top with some black boots.

I head over to the bathroom to change and notice Pan is still asleep.
I start to undress and I suddenly feel very sick, I shrug it off.
As soon as I pull my head through my top the feeling increases and I rush to the toilet and throw up.

"Shit" I curse.

"Elizabeth? Are you alright" I hear Pan call out. I must of woken him.
"Fine" I reply hoping that he doesn't see me like this.
As if on queue, I vomit again, and it was nasty.
"You don't sound fine" Peter said from outside the door.
"I'm just sick Pan" I replied angrily.

I heard Peter mumble something and fiddle with the doorknob.
"What are you doing?" I asked confused why he wants to see me like this.
"No one gets sick in Neverland, open the door Elizabeth" he replied.

I pull myself up from the ground and groggily walk over to the door and open it.
I see Pan with a worried look on his face and I try to smile to show him I'm okay, but again, my stomach clenches and I rush back for the toilet, but not much comes out.

"Has this ever happened before?" Peter asked while keeping a slight distance.
"While I've been here? No. What spell do you do on me?!" I yell the end part angry that he's made me sick.
"As I said it's not your concern!" He yelled back.
"What are you not telling me Peter?" I asked.
"Now I've got a problem to fix... you stay here I'll be back when I know what to do" he commanded.

"Peter!" I yelled as he walked away from me. If I didn't feel so crap I would chase after him.


After around half an hour of misery and my stomach clenching to throw up but nothing coming out, and no sign of Peter, I decide to go look for him.

I spot him pacing back and forth next to Felix.
"Pan!" I angrily yell across the camp.
He turns and faces me with an angry expression and suddenly he is right in front of me.
"How did you-"
"What are you doing? I told you to stay in there" he cut me off.

"One i'm not throwing up anymore, and two you don't tell me what to do" I retort.
"Elizabeth. go back to bed. get some rest while I sort this mess out" he demanded.
"Why are you fussing about this so much? There's something your not telling me and I'm going to find out weather you like it or not" I spin around and stormed off to the tent and changed into comfy clothes and laid in bed before drifting off to sleep.

A/n: update!!!!! Yas!
The photo is how I imagine Elizabeth, but you can imagine her differently if you want. I'm the next to chapters I will have other photos of how else I see her and can't decide which one. but you can choose who you see her as I don't mind.

So I don't have any exams this year! So during that week in July while I'm home I will work on the next chapter, unless I start before then, which is very likely.

Ps. Omg this book has 400 reads! And my Newt one has 500 reads! Thankyou guys so much I never thought this would ever happen or that I'll get any votes, but you guys keep me going so thankyou.

So I hope you all are having a great day/night/week/month/year 😏
Love yooouuuuuu

Byeeeeeeeeee 😘

- A

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