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Why did he get emotional? Is he not telling me something about my 'powers'? Did he just need an excuse to cry? I have no idea. I'd rather not know then be dead so I won't bring it up, yet.

Pan hasn't been the monster I've seen him be in a while, he's been quite good with hiding his plans from me aswell, especially with what happened to the lost boys who-... maybe I'm just seeing a false Pan.

I've kept my promise to Pan and have let him watch over me, but that requires myself to be his shadow and I have to say it's quite boring, at least he's good looking, plus he has a great bum.

I need to find a friend. if I can allow myself to be around someone Pan trusts he might let me have a bit of distance from him and have fun.

I spot a boy around my age sitting by the fire looking quite bored so I start my quest with him.

"Hey" I say as I sit on the log next to the boy.
"Uhm hi" he replies and shifts uncomfortably.
"I'm Elizabeth" I say and mentally hold out my hand. I think it makes my body language look appropriate, I probably just look really concentrated.

"Dean" he replies and mimics my posture.
"Nice to meet you Dean" I reply and look towards the fire.


After we got past the awkward silence we started chatting and deans actually I really nice guy, I expected the lost boys to be shitty, I guess you can't judge a book by its cover.

Dean arrived in Neverland not too long before me and I've learnt that he lived in London.

We continued talking and learning about each other until it was late and everyone was going to bed.

I said goodnight to Dean and went into Pans tent, he wasn't in there yet so I laid on the bed and started thinking over my day as I went to sleep.


When I woke up I noticed the sun was only just rising so my guess is it's about 5am. I didn't feel like going back to sleep and decided I would go see Dean, I looked over my shoulder and saw Peter sleeping peacefully. I tried not to wake him as I left and I succeeded in leaving him asleep.

I tip toed over to Deans tent which he pointed out last night and tried waking him.

"Dean" I called as loud as I could not to wake anyone else but after a minute no Dean appeared.
"Dean" I called again and shortly after hearing a bed creak followed by some groans.

"What do you want Elizabeth?" Dean sleepily asked as he popped his head out of the tent.

I outstretched my arm towards his.
"Come on, we're going for a walk"


I'm not sure why I decided going on a walk around Neverland with a half asleep Dean at 5 in the morning was a good idea seeing as I don't like exercise, I guess it's just something different.
We had walked past the lagoon and we were now in a part of Neverland I hadn't been to before.

"So.... did you have a girlfriend?" I asked trying to start conversation.
"When I came here? No, but there was a girl who was special to me" he replied.
"What was her name?"
"Katherine, but she disappeared before I left, the police say she was kidnapped"
"Oh my god I'm so sorry" I replied feeling guilty.
"It's okay, she's a tough girl so I know she's okay"

We walked in silence for 5 minutes when I noticed it would probably be time that everyone would wake up.
"We should head back in a minute"

Two seconds later the ground beneath my feet moved and before I noticed I was dangling from a tree in a net.
"Elizabeth!" Dean called.
"I'm okay" I replied not sounding so certain as this happens to be a fear of mine, being helpless.

"I'll see if I can find a rope to get you down" Dean called out before starting to look around the trees.
"Please hurry" I begged trying to keep calm.
this was terrible. I've always feared this and now it strikes at the worst time. I'm quiet high up, I don't really have a fear of heights but I guess the circumstances could change that.
I tried to see if there was something to do to take my mind off it, but nothing, so I stayed there panicking and letting my strong guard down.

"Well, well, well" a terribly familiar voice chanted as they approached the scene.
"Peter!" I called as I looked down and my eyes were met with a cheeky smirk on Peter Pans face.
"Good morning Elizabeth" he replied not changing his expression.
"What might you two be doing out here?" Peter asked with a questionable expression.

"We were just going for a walk" Dean replied slowly.
"In the forbidden area? You should know better Dean"
Oh shit.
"Peter can you let me down" I asked trying to spare dean from Peter.
"In a moment love" Peter replied not looking away from Dean.

"Unfortunately I happened to notice what's been going on between you two, you were quiet cozy last night, it's a shame that that is forbidden in Neverland" Peter waved his hand in front of Deans face and he passed out.

"Peter what are you doing?!" I called out, but there was not much I could do.
"Separating you two, can't have you becoming pregnant then having a problem to fix" he replied as he picked up Dean and started to walk away.

"Peter!" I yelled hoping to stop him, but as I said, I'm helpless.
"I'll be back soon" he replied before disappearing into the jungle.

A/n: so I think I might just update this book every now and then. but I started some medication a week ago so in about three weeks I should be feeling better and maybe updating more often, idk.
Omg the tvd finale last night 😱 I don't want to spoil it for people who haven't seen it but I have so many mixed emotions.


Byeeeeeeeee 😘

- A

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