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"I can handle it"
My mind is racing at all the possibilities, if he doesn't tell me I will go crazy.
"I don't know if you can" he replied hoping he wouldn't have to tell me.
"Please Peter my imagination will make it much worse than it is not knowing" I begged.
Peter was silent for a moment.
"I don't know the word for it... but they were violating you..."

"Oh my god" I barely whispered as I stared at the ground.
This can't be real, it has to be a dream, or a nightmare, anything but reality.
It wasn't supposed to happen this way.
"Elizabeth-" Peter started as he walked towards me.
"Don't" I snapped stopping him from coming closer.
I stood there thinking for what felt like ages.
"Oh my god" I whispered again.
A tear fell down my cheek.
Peter walked towards me again and opened his arms not caring if I would try to stop him and wrapped his arms around me.

Because he is taller than me my head was level with his chest so one arm was wrapped around my head and the other my back.
I buried my face as I began sobbing uncontrollably, soon there was a wet patch on Peter from my tears.
Peter was rubbing my head and making soothing noises to comfort me.

Why does he care about this, he's probably killed before so why isn't he walking away telling me to get over it.
About five minutes later my sobbing had stopped and there were now only a few tears escaping my eyes.
"I won't let anything happen to you Elizabeth, I promise"


Void. I'm in a deep void that I know I can get out of but I'm not strong enough to.
My body and my mind are both in voids, I have buried myself in blankets and pillows and stayed like this for three days.
My mind however, I'm not sure I can escape this void, and if one day I do... it will still be there, like a scar, a reminder every time I look at it.

"Elizabeth" Peter announced himself as he entered the tent with a plate of food as usual, I haven't eaten, the first day it was hard to resist food, but now it feels wrong to eat, like this is how it's supposed to be.

I have talked to him either, I don't know why but I'm afraid it would hurt more because he was there... he's a living, breathing scar.

I can't keep him shut out like this, I have to let him know I'm okay, even if it's not true.

I roll over and pull the blankets away from my head, from his reaction of seeing my face I guess I look like crap. I've been crying the whole time so I assume my eyes are bloodshot, and I haven't brushed my hair or washed my face either.

"Are you going to eat yet?" Peter asked after he lowered the tray to the bedside table then kneeled next to the bed.
After my mother died I did a similar thing of burring myself and not talking or eating therefore I know if I try to talk no words will come out so I simply shake my head.

"You have to eat, Elizabeth" Peter begged with a worried face.
I think for a moment before giving in.
I sit up straight and Peter passes me and sandwich.
After a moment I take a bite and swallow it. Peter seems proud, I'm not sure if it's with himself or me.

Bang. something explodes in my stomach and I feel that sandwich coming back up. I cover my mouth and stand up to run outside, I take a few steps before stumbling and crashing on the ground, immediately after, the sandwich is on the ground in front of me.

Peter rushes over to me then grabs some tissues and wipes my face. it feels so good, the silky feel gently brushing over my skin, I am brought back to reality by Peter finishing and throwing it in the bin.
He cups my face examining it.

"You need to lie down sweetheart, I'll find you something easier to eat" Peter commands then lifting me and caring me bridal style to the bed, he gently lays me down then pulls the covers over me, then walks away.

"Thankyou Peter" I croak out so quiet I barely heard it, but he must of as he stopped for a second before continuing.


The next day I'm feeling much better physically, I'm back to eating proper food, I've had a shower, my energy is back, I'm back to normal, but I'm not the same.

"Peter..." I ask from the bed as he finds me something to wear.
He turns around signalling me to continue.
"..Why are you doing this?" I finish.
He looks taken aback.
"Why all of a sudden care for me this much?" I elaborated so that he understood.
"Unauthorised violence isn't accepted on my island" he bluntly replied.
"Then why continue to help me? You could of just punished the boys and left it at that, but you didn't"
Peter was silently stuttering trying to think of of a response.

"Okay... I care about you, something has made me see you differently... it makes me want to help you... protect you... I know this makes me sound soft but I'm not, I'm just following an instinct"

A/n: loving this writing style!!!
I'm going away for the rest of the holidays to a no wifi area 😒🔫
Then school will be back so the next chapter might be up on the weekend idk...

I'm not sure if after this book I will do as equal or a different Peter Pan fic... decisions....
Also please check out my youtube videos! I have named some of them in previous chapters so watch them then go to my channel as I've done heaps more videos!

Byeeeeeeeeeee 😘

- A

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