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After about three minutes thinking I remember I grabbed a knife when I left the house. I quickly reach into my pocket and start sawing at the rope. After about five minutes I mange to cut myself loose. I then run to the door and stop to listen to see if anyone is outside, after confirming no one is there I run out the door and see pan with his back turned to me as he talks to a boy. I try to sneak past and out of sight the start running for it. I hear Peter call out to me after a few seconds, boy must of bagged me out.

I continue running every now and then hearing Peter call out in a mischievous voice about how I can't escape and he will find me.
I stop and hide behind a big tree so I can plan how to get out of here, after not thinking of a way I decide pan is the only way out, so I will have to convince him to send me home.

"Giving up so soon sweetheart?"
I jump and turn to see Peter leaning against the tree I'm hiding behind.
"There's no need to carry me" I say as I stand up and start walking back to the camp.
"Common sense, good" he says as if he's marking a list.

He follows behind me the whole way back making sure I don't run again. when we reach the camp I turn to Peter. "Where now?" I ask.
He smirks and replies "back to my bed"
I roll my eyes and make my way to the tent. I hop on the bed and get under the covers and close my eyes.
"Are you going to stand there all night?" I ask knowing pan is watching me.
"No, I'm going to sit here and watch you all night" he replies, that smart-ass.
I ignore him and drift off to sleep.


When I wake up I remember where I am and sit up to see if pan was still here. I see him asleep in the chair. I try to sneak out so I can ask someone how to get home.
I feel someone grab my arm and mentally face palm myself.
"I was just going to talk to the boys" I say hoping he doesn't get suspicious.
"Good, because I was going to introduce you" dammit.


After meeting a few of pans trusted friends and him explaining to me how they are lost boys, he explains to me how to leave.
"I'm in control here, no one leaves the island without my permission, as soon as you touch Neverland soil, your fate is up to me, your connected through the soil to me, that's how I always know where you are, so I'm saying you should just give up escaping now" he says with a smirk.
I stand up and walk away, he doesn't worry knowing I won't try escaping again. that's what he thinks.

I go deep into the forest and climb a tree, he said we are connected through the soil, and I heard if you believe in Neverland you can wish for what you want, so if I climb the tallest tree and jump, I won't be on soil and it gives me enough time to wish I'm home.

When I reach the top I look down suddenly regretting this decision, but if it fails then pan can't mess with me anymore and it's not like I have a happy life to go back to.
I climb to one of the branches and step away from the tree. I turn around and close my eyes. I let myself fall backwards and start wishing.

I hit something and open my eyes thinking it worked because I'm not dead. to my disappointment I see pan staring down at me with a worried/angry look on his face.
"What the hell are you doing?!" He asks me in a loud voice.
"Trying to get out of here" I reply with an angry voice and he lowers me out of his arms.
"So you were just going to off yourself then?" He asks getting very angry.
"I had a plan" I say quietly for it not working.
"Until you came along and ruined it!" I yell angrily.
"I saved your life! Doesn't matter how much you hate it here it's better than being dead!" He yells getting in my face.
I push him back.
"I hate you Peter Pan!" He displays a hurt look for a brief second before changing back to mad.
"There is no escaping Neverland"

A/n: just letting you guys know that I might update this book more/equally to my other one as I really like writing this one and I get lost in what to write for the other one often.
Also when I finish this book I will do another Peter Pan one but this time the girl will be very different 😏

Also could you please check out my fan videos on my youtube account, I have uploaded two videos and they are called
M O N S T E R || Peter Pan
T I T A N I U M || Katherine Pierce

Byeeeeee 😘

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