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I'm sick of him and his smug face, his smug attitude... I'm sick of how he gets me to question my morals when he gets close to me and kisses my neck... wait... I shouldn't be worrying about that! I can't like the bad guy! Damn teenage hormones!


"Hello love" Peter greeted as he walked past me at the bonfire. Why do the lost boys 'party' every.single.night. like how much caffeine is in their coffee?
I want to stop myself from any communication with pan. I have to sort myself out. I know this is just a game to him and I won't let him win by falling for him. I can't. I have to get out of here. but first I have to trick the trickster.

"Peter!" I called out to him to talk to him, I have to find a way to win.
"Yes?" He said walking back over to me. I patted the log next to me and he sat down.
After a brief moment of silence due to me not knowing what to say I spoke up.
"How long have you been here?"
"What?" He asks.
"How long have you been in Neverland for and how old are you?" I ask again.
He laughs slightly.

"A very long time" he replies bluntly.
I get annoyed at his secrecy but try to hide it.
"And how old are you?" I ask trying to get some answers out of him.
"I'm seventeen" he says.
"What about you dear?" He asks turning the tables on me. crap didn't think of this.
"Well I was sixteen when I came here bit it was near my birthday so I might be seventeen... I'm not sure" I reply.
"No your still sixteen, time stands still in Neverland" he replies happy with himself.
Now he's led me off track I have to switch back to him.
"Did you have a girlfriend?" I ask and he looks at me shocked.
"When I came here? No. but I did..." he started.
Good I have an opportunity.

"It must be hard, not having someone to love or love you back" I say placing a hand on his knee.
He looks at me suspiciously.
"Love is for the weak" he replies angrily.
"So you don't have emotional attachments to people..." I ask moving my hand to his thigh. He becomes tense then replies.
"I only have to worry about myself" he replies with a look in his eye that shows he's getting the hint.

Five minutes later we are on Pans bed making out.
I'm going to have to sleep with him to get him to trust me more even though he said that's not likely, I have to find out how to get out of here.

Only problem is I have never done it before and I don't like the idea of my first time to be with a horrible person just to deceive him.

Things start to heat up and Peter removes my shirt then his own. wow. he has a great body. stop Elizabeth. you can't let this happen.

He slides his hands down from my chest to my shorts, and starts unbuttoning them. I can't do this.
"Stop" I tell him and he gets up to his knees.
After a moment of confusion he noticed the fear in my eyes and started figuring it out.
He smirked.
"Very clever lizzy, sleep with me then discover all my secrets" he said proudly.
I remained silent. I didn't know how to talk myself out of this one.
"I underestimated you, I didn't think you'll try something like this, if you want off the island just ask" he said motioning for me to speak.
"Let me off the island" I said coldly.
He pretended to think then spoke, "hmmmm no" he said then put his shirt in and walked out the door.

I'm gonna be here for a while.

A/n: sorry for the short chapter! 😕 I've been busy since I last updated but it's now schools holidays do over the next two weeks I should have a few chapters up ☺️ but happy Easter everyone! It's just gone midnight where I am so it's officially Easter Sunday! 🐰🐰🐰 I've already had two chocolate bunnies this weekend and every time I finish one I regret it straight away so pray for me and my weight 😳

Byeeeee 😘

- A

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