#7- Who the hell are you?

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(3rd person pov)

Tony was down in his lab working on something, when JARVIS spoke. "Master Stark Director Fury is on the line, sir." Tony sighed and picked up his phone. "Yes?" Tony asked. "Stark stop what ever you're doing. I'm there in 5 minutes." And before Tony could protest or even say anything for the matter Fury hung up. Five minutes later Fury arrived with a hooded short teenaged looking boy, Tony raised an eyebrow as to why the kid was here and why was the kid with Fury in the first place. "Fury what do you need?" Tony questioned, eyeing the kid something was familiar about him. "Stark this is your brother Draco Jayy Stark. He's your responsibility from now on." Fury said and left. "Dr-Draco?" Tony stuttered, as far as Tony knew Draco was pronounced dead when Tony was 19 and Draco was supposed to be 16 at that time, many years had passed since and Draco was supposed to be looking way older. "Yes Tony it's me." Draco replied with a smaller British accent, he always had that and removed his hood. Draco looked exactly the same, like he didn't age at all. He had light green hair, deathly pale skin and black eyes. None of that had changed. "Well since you're my responsibility now, you'll have to live with the avengers." Tony said and as if on cue Clint, Bruce, Nat and Steve stepped out of the elevator Natasha and Steve were heavily discussing something but when they noticed Draco they instantly stopped. Nat sent a death glare towards Draco. "Stark for a word please." Natasha said through gritted teeth and dragged Tony away from hearing distance. "What. The. Hell. Is. He. Doing here?" The assassin asked coldly. "Fury said he is my responsibility from now on. Got a problem discuss it with him." They walked back only to be met with a rather interesting sight. Clint had his bow loaded and aimed at Draco, while Draco was pleading for his life. "Please don't kill. Please don't kill me. Please don't kill me." The green haired boy pleaded. "Okay, okay. No one's going to kill anyone. At least not in the living room Pepper will kill me if I get blood on the carpet. Clint you can't kill him. Because of two reasons. A Fury said he is my responsibility and that means he is not allowed to die and B he is my brother." Everyone was stunned the two Starks didn't even look alike.

~*~Chat room~*~

{Avengers are online}

{Draco is online}

Draco: Tony. One question. Why?

Tony: Why what?

Draco: Why make a chat room?

Tony: I was bored alright!

Draco: Whatever.

{Fury is online}

Everyone {except Draco}: RUN!!!

Draco: Why...?

{Avengers are offline}

Draco: Someone mind explaining what the hell happened? Why did everyone disconnect?

{Avengers had been forced to be back online by S.H.I.E.L.D.}

Fury: Stark, I have clearly told you not to let your brother near electronics.

Tony: Oh really? I forgot...

Draco: Why am I not allowed on electronics? Did I do something wrong?

Fury: Stark. Solve it.

{Fury is offline}

{Avengers {except Tony} have been called into S.H.I.E.L.D.}

Draco: So...?

Tony: Uh well...

Draco: Tony what did I do?

Tony: *sighs* What your last memory?

Draco: Well at S.H.I.E.L.D. I woke up in a hospital room, the heart rate monitor was clearly fake. I checked my pulse and didn't have one.

Tony: You never had one.

Draco: WHAT?!

Tony: I'll explain everything just tell me what you know.

Draco: Okay. Then a nurse came in gasped and left. I didn't even know my own name, but I knew the coding system of the enigma. And I still know it! Then Mr. Eyepatch practically dragged me all the way to here only explaining that we were brothers and my name is Draco Jayy Stark, and I remember falling of a plane or jet or whatever before waking up at S.H.I.E.L.D.. So explanation?

Tony: Oh look at the time. I have to go.

{Tony is offline}

Draco: I'm so confused.

{Draco is offline}

{The chat room has been empty for an hour. It is shut off automatically.}

(A/n: Here's my drawing of Draco: http://dracojayystark.deviantart.com/art/Draco-Jayy-Stark-532206485?ga_submit_new=10%253A1431272339 I couldn't find a good fx, so decided to draw him.)

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