#5- Confessions and Drunk Science Part 2

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*Stark Tower: Chemistry Lab*

Clint's POV

I rushed down to the lab at second I heard the explosion, knowing that the two geniuses were probably doing drunk science again. When I opened the door to the lab, smoke started coming out while I coughed. "You idiots." The first person I saw was Bruce, of course he was unconscious. I shook him a little. "C'mon wake up." He groaned in response, I sighed and began to search for Tony. I found him next to a desk or whatever it was, he looked like he face-planted right into the floor. "Anthony. Anthony." I said while poking him, usually calling him by his full name worked, but he still didn't wake up. "Anthony Stark." I sighed again. "Anthony Edward Stark wake up right now!" I said a bit louder, he jolted awake. "Wh-what happened?" He asked quietly. "You tell me, genius." I replied, he tried to stand up slowly but failed and fell back, the tried again and managed to stand up. "Where's Bruce?" Tony questioned. "Right over there." I gestured towards where Bruce was, and Tony walked over to Bruce. "Hey Bruce wake up." He said shaking Bruce slightly. "T-tony I told you." Bruce replied and stood up. "Alright geniuses, get yourselves together Fury will be here in about two hours." I said then left.

~*~Chat room~*~

{Bruce is online}

{Clint is online}

{Tony is online}

Tony: Clint please don't tell Fury.

Clint: Alright, but you have to swear that you'll never do it again, or else I'm telling Fury.

Tony: Clint you're starting to sound like Steve.

Bruce: Any ways Clint please don't tell Fury.

{Fury is online}

Fury: Tell me what?

Bruce: It was Tony's idea!!!!

{Bruce is offline}

Fury: Explanations now!

Clint: Well......

Tony: Clint don't!

Clint: Tony and Bruce decided to...

Tony: I swear if you do tell I won't update your arrows!!!

Clint: Wait. Tony you're serious?

Tony: Yes.

Fury: I still need an explanation.

{Tony and Clint are offline}

Fury: *sighs* I swear they'll drive me insane.

{Fury is offline}

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