#4-Confessions and Drunk Science

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A/N: Hey guys it's me again!! I'm back sorry I'm soooo late! I just had a shit ton of school work and I didn't have time, plus I also was sick and I have writer's block already. So this chapter is right after the 3rd one.

*Stark Tower: Chemistry Lab*

Tony's POV

Did Bruce really try to commit suicide? I heard him say that he tried to shoot himself but 'The Other Guy' spit the bullet out. The first time I heard it, it broke my heart. He is a wonderful person no matter what. The way he smiles shyly just gives me butterflies in my stomach. I really am in love with him. I hope he feels the same way. "Bruce... Did you really-" I say softly but get cut off by him. " Suicide? Yes. I was feeling really low that time and felt like that if I'm gone I'll just do humanity a favor." He explains calmly but I could feel the sadness in his words. "Bruce I love you and I mean it." I just had to say it. He looks at me. "Really?" "Really, really" We move close to each other really close. I take the chance, pull him even closer and kiss him. Bruce almost instantly kisses back. I never ever want this moment to end.

Bruce's POV

I see sparks while we kiss. It's awesome. We pull apart for air. "I love you, Tony." "I love you too Bruce." I pulled Tony close and hugged him. He hugged back. Then randomly a storm came out of no where, we quickly went inside. "How did it go guys?" Clint asked. "Great." Tony said and winked at me. "Did you guys kiss?" I looked down at my feet. "Um... well..." I stuttered. "C'mon spit it out it's a matter of 50 bucks!" Clint said. "Yes we did, Legolas." Tony said and I looked away shyly. "Ha! Told you so!" Loki said to Clint. "Where's my 50 bucks Hawk?" They can be so ridiculous sometimes. "Here you go." Clint said in an annoyed tone and handed Loki the money.

~*~Chat room~*~

{Tony is online}

{Bruce is online}

Tony: BRuce!!!! Let's do science!!!!

Bruce: Tony two things. One you're right next to me. Second Tony you're drunk.

Tony: C'mon it1ll be fuuuuunnn!!!!

Bruce: No.

Tony: Please.

Bruce: No.

Tony: Pretty please?

Bruce: No.

Tony: *Puppy dog eyes* Pretty please?

Bruce: Don't look in the eyes. *accidentally looks.* God I can't say no to you anymore! Okay let's do science.

{Tony and Bruce are offline}

*Stark Tower: Chemistry Lab (again)*

3rd person POV

Bruce and Tony were messing around with various chemicals mixing them together and watching the reaction. "Let's mix these too!" Tony had two beakers in his hands. "Tony no those are highly ex-" It was too late Tony had already mixed the two chemicals. There was a loud Bang! sound then the two geniuses were knocked back by the power of the explosion. Tony already blacked out. "explosive." Bruce finished his sentence and he also blacked out. Smoke filled the lab, "You idiots." someone said then coughed.

A/N: Hello, everyone! I am back, I apologize to you all for not updating in a while. I had writer's block and a bloody amount of homework and exams, plus there's the photo and video editing since I'm a photograph for our school. This chapter was inspired by two roleplays I did. One of it was on Omegle, and the other was here on Wattpad. Thank you XSilver_FoxX!

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