#17- Bucky!!

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~*~Chat room~*~
{Everyone {except Loki who is well... doing godly stuff} is online}
Steve: Guys would it be a big problem if uh well...... Bucky would you know well live with ahem... us?
Tony: You mean the badass dude with the awesome metal arm?
Draco: He's scary!!!!!!!!!
Steve: So is that a yes?
Tony: It's an of course!
Bruce: What the?!
Tony: My tower, my rules!
Clint: Hey am I the only one wandering where Thor is? I mean it says that he's online but he hasn't said a thing.
Thor: I was feasting on a box of delicious pop tarts!
Everyone else: Oh! Okay.
Draco: I'm bored.
Tony: Sorry, no can do.
Bruce: Tony!
Tony: What? It's the truth!
Bruce: No, not that your stupid robot messed up my chemistry experiment!
Tony: Sorry...?
{Bruce is offline.}
Tony: Hehehehe, I'll be in Bruce's room if you need us. Don't need us.
{Tony is offline}
Draco: Thor! I'm coming to your room!
Thor: Why, if I may know?
Draco: I don't want to hear Tony and Bruce... fonduing.
(A/n: Anyone got that reference?)
Nat: But why Thor's room?
Draco: That's the furthest.
Thor: I shall share my room with Draco!
Draco: *uninterested, annoyed* Yay!
{Server has been shut down temporarly.}
Draco after shutting down the chat room, walked over to Thor's room. "Thor." Draco knocked. "Thor." Draco knocked. "Thor." Before Draco could knock again Thor opened the door. "Hey there." Draco said awkardly. Thor let him in and Draco sat down in a chair. "Cool room." Draco noted. "Thank you." Thor replied.
-After a really awkward rooming with Thor-
"Guys, guys, guys!' Tony shouted running through the many halls of the Tower. Finally when everyone gathered in the living room Tony was calmed down enough to say what he wanted to. "I've got the best news ever!" Tony fangirled. "Just spit it out already!" Draco was getting bored of Tony. "Bucky, you know the badass guy with the metal arm, is arriving..." Tony counted under his breath. The elevator opened to reveal a really nervous Bucky. "Hi." He said. "Now!" Tony cheered. Steve's smile was huge. Tony of course didn't tell him forehand. Steve took the role to show Bucky around.
"And this is Dr- where did he go..." Steve wondered aloud. "Don't worry he does this all the time. Hates to be introduced to new people." Tony explained. "Well Draco would've been the only one left." Steve said. "The name sounds awfully familiar." Bucky said.

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