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 3rd person POV

The next day all the Avengers (except Thor since he was in Asgard) sat in the living room. "Y'know guys Thor said he'll return with Loki." Tony said. Everyone groaned in response. "Well he's not that bad. When he was still here at SHIELD I occasionally talked with him, he's pretty cool when he's not all 'I'm gonna rule you and there's nothing you can do about it'." Tony trailed of. "And if my theory is correct Loki will be psychologically fucked up since he was punished for something he didn't want to do." Tony said. "Yeah Tony we all know about your little theory about Loki getting mind controlled like Clint." Natasha said. "Actually if you look at the footage closely you can see his eyes being ice blue, but after hulk smashed him they are back to emerald green plus I asked Thor and he said Loki's eyes were always green and he was the only Asgardian with green eyes." Tony said. He was about to say something but a loud Boom! sound stopped him. After a few seconds Thor appeared on the balcony with a silent,hurt Loki.

Tony's POV

There was something wrong with Loki I knew it from the start. He didn't make any snarky comments when he arrived, but I was sure Loki wasn't alright when he didn't correct Thor about them not being brothers. Thor started talking with the others while Loki just went out to the balcony and stared at the city. I took the chance to ask him about what happened in Asgard. "Hey." I said when I was right next to him. He screamed and jumped 5 feet in the air "Don't ever do that ever again." Loki said while panting. "You seem jumpy. Tell me what happened back there?" I asked, pointing to the sky when I said 'back there'. "Why do you care?" He asked. "Look I know how it feels when you get tortured.I went through the same thing. It's not easy to forget it and probably I never will but you can get rid off the constant fear of getting back to that hell hole." I explained to Loki. He looked like he was deep in thought. "My punishment was that they sew my mouth shut. No matter how much I begged Odin not to  do this to me, he still threw me into the torture room and sewed my lips together. The worst part is that I didn't even want to conquer earth the Chitari forced me to and when I said no they tortured me and when I came here they controled my mind the whole time." Loki spoke in a monotone voice, I swear I saw a tear slide down his face. I was shocked after hearing this it is not enough that he got tortured by the Chitari but when he goes home he gets tortured even more. "I tried to remove the scars with magic but if you look closely you can spot it." after he said this I looked at his lips and saw 20 little dots. "I'm sorry." was all I could say. Loki looked at me like I was some idiot and asked "For what?". "For bringing it up it's way worse than what happened to me." I said. He just turned away and started staring at the city again. We just stood there in comfortable silence for a while. It started to rain so we got inside.

 ~*~Chat room~*~

 {Tony is online}

{Loki Laufeyson is online}

{Loki Laufeyson is now Loki}

Tony: so Loki how do u like ur new room

Loki: its pretty cool thanks

Tony: no problem and if you want to talk about anything i'm here

Loki: Ok i know and thanks again

{Bruce is online}

Tony: Bruceeeeeeeey, babe

Bruce: *sighs* Tony don't call me babe we're not together

Tony: okay

{Bruce,Loki and Tony are offline}

A/N: HI guys!! so i hope you liked it and sorry if this is short. I'm taking reguests so if anyone has an idea or wants to be in a chapter than all you need to do is comment and I might take it into consideration

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