#10- Meeting a certain god of Mischief!

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(Draco's Pov)

"Guys just few minutes and they're back!" Tony said, running into the living room, looking like a fangirl. I didn't even bother to look up from my laptop. Everyone muttered an uninterested, 'yay!'. Suddenly a loud BOOM! could be heard and I almost dropped my laptop. Don't you dare call me a wimp or anything, my senses are enhanced and anything loud is at least three times as loud. So it hurts. A blond, muscular guy comes inside from the balcony alomg with a- wow! Now I dropped my laptop. Everyone stared at me. "Draco, are you alright?" Tony questioned, worry obvious in his voice. "Y-yeah, I-I'll be fine." I stuttered out, my knees were giving out on me and my vision started to fade out. "Tony! Catch me! Now! Please!" I scream and the last thing I see is Tony's confused expression, and everything goes black.

"If you have to do anything with this." Someone growls, male voice, definitely angered. Wait did I mess up again? "Since when did you become so protective of him, Hawk?" Another voice, sounds sarcastic, male voice. Hawk? Since when does Hydra use code-names? Suddenly realisation hit me in the face like a brick, I'm in Stark Tower and not at Hydra. But why does Clint suddenly like me? Eh, I'll never understand people. "Calm down, Clint. I'm pretty sure Loki has nothing to do with this. Draco used to randomly black out all the time. Since he is dealing with different personalities and he has an ongoing psychological warfare with Jayy." Yep definitely Tony. "Who's Jayy?" Uh maybe um oh it must be him a.k.a. Mr.Perfection. "Jayy is my most dominant side-personality as I like to call it. He is a murdering soulless psychopath craving blood." I said, sitting up, suddenly everyone was looking at me. "Hey there perf- I mean random stranger who I am not familiar with." I said smiling at Mr. Perfection. Oh satan, inside I was have a feelsplosion, he was perfect, his raven black hair was styled perfectly, his emerald eyes suited his look just right, and his slightly pale skin was flawless, his build was just muscular enough, not too much like Steve or Thor, but not skinny either. Just right. "Draco are you alright? Do you mind if I run some tests? You did just randomly faint." Bruce asked me. "Nah, don't bother with it, you'd faint from the results." I replied waving him off. "At least let me just check your pulse." I sighed. "Tony!" I whined, he knew I hated doctors. "Draco, behave." Everyone else snickered, I huffed, but let Bruce check my pulse. "Oh my god!" And Bruce fainted. "Told you so! Now wake up." I said kneeling down next to him and shaking him slightly. "Y-you don't have a p-pulse." He stuttered. "I know." I replied smirking faintly. "But how are here then? You are technically dead!" Bruce exclaimed while standing up. "Actually, I am not supposed to have a pulse, I am only a virtual glitch, and best thing, I,m immortal! No one and/or nothing can kill someone who is already dead!" I replied.

~*~Chat room~*~

{Bruce, Draco and Tony are online}

Tony: Draco you should've seen Bruce in the lab, he was fangirling like crazy about you.

Bruce: No I wasn't!

Draco: Whatevs, it's cool.

Tony: Bruce, jumping up and down and not shutting up about how amazing it is that Draco is technically dead but not IS fangirling.

Bruce: Tony, stahp it!

Tony: Oh come on, babes, I was just messing with you.

Bruce: Alright.

Draco: Hey, um question, before you guys need a sound-proof room. Is Mr. Perfection Loki?

Tony: Nope, Draco, I am still just Tony.

Draco: Not you, idiot! I'm talking about the guy who came back with Thor, the guy with perfect hair, perfect eyes, perfect body and perfect skin, and perfect everything.

Tony: Ooooooooooooh someone's got a crush!

Bruce: Tony grow up! And yes Draco it was Loki.

{Bruce, Draco, and Tony are offline}

{Loki has turned off invisibility}

Loki: Hmm, I'm perfect.

{Loki is offline}

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