#13- Troublemakers

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"I'm bored!" Draco said and flopped onto the couch, where Loki was sitting and silently reading a book. "Hey, Loki, I'm bored!" Draco tried again since Loki didn't react. A few minutes later of poking Loki and flipping throw channels on the telly, Draco finally had an idea. "Let's prank Tony!" Draco had a devilish smirk on his face as he watched Loki. Loki smiled evilly and set down his book. "Any ideas my fellow troublemaker?" Loki had tons of ideas, but he wanted know what the other had planned. "Well we could Sticky Note his suit. Or we could prank Clint. All you need to do is mess up his arrows, for example overload the explosive or mix up the colour marks on them." Draco said looking at the ceiling then quickly added. "And if we prank Steve too, we could spray paint 'Hail Hydra!' onto his S.H.I.E.L.D. with glow in the dark spray paint." Draco shrugged after finishing with his ideas and looked at Loki. "How about we do each all of them?" Loki asked and they got to work. Draco shut JARVIS down in the lab temporarily so they wouldn't be caught. A good 5 minutes later Tony's treasured Mark XLII suit had been thoroughly covered with different coloured Post It Notes. Each one of them said: 'Leave a message and I'll get back to you.'. After this the mischievous pair sneaked off to Clint's personal weaponry room. They found a few paint balls and after Draco threw one towards Loki, it was war! Draco snickered as a paint ball hit Loki, but soom realised he was out of ammunition. He quickly ducked behing a table type of thing but it was too late Loki had already thrown his paint ball and it hit Draco. "I'm out!" Draco surrendered. "Alright, now let's get to mixing up Hawk's arrows." Loki stated and Draco nodded. "Alright, blue is the knock out one, let's change thay with the white one which is the taser." Draco spoke as he changed the arrow heads. "The green one is explosive so that gets changed with the normal colourless ones." The mixing went on until the two themselves had no idea which arrow was which. "Now onto the mighty shield!" Loki chuckled after his exclamtion, and Draco giggled. "When Captian America throws his mighty shield. All those who choose to oppose his shield must yield unless you're a plane, a bomb or some ice then he chose to take a nap because the ice seems nice!" Draco sang and Loki laughed. "Alright so Hail Hydra was it?" Draco questioned, the mighty shield was simply red and white by now. "Yes of course." Loki replied as he watched the other. 'Hail Hydra!' was spray painted onto the shield with glow in the dark paint. "Watch this." Draco said and made a gesture with his hand and the power went out completely in the Tower. "Steve! Help! Red Skull is back!" Draco screamed then snickered. "Come Loki, let's get out of here." And the pair ran off to watch the scene evolve. After Steve had taken his shield absentmindedly not noticing the paint on. "Someone call Fury!" Draco mimicked Tony's voice with perfect acuracy. Steve did as told and Fury was there in five minutes. Draco made the same gesture as before and turned the lights back on. A smaller S.H.I.E.L.D. squad could be seen pointing their guns at poor clueless Capsicle, with Draco and Loki laughing thier asses off. Tony rushed up. "Alright! Who the hell." He started and saw the scenery. "Sticky noted my suit." Tony finished quietly. Tony himself snickered slightly, the squad's and the Captian's expressions were priceless. "Draco, Loki." Fury growled. "What?! It's clear that Captain had been Hydra all along!" Draco protested still laughing lightly, and Loki just smiled like an idiot. "Yes of course. I want explanations right now or I personally am sending you back to Hydra. And I won't care how big of a threat that means for S.H.I.E.L.D." Fury warned. "Alright, alright it was just a prank. Jeez lighten up Nicky." Draco protested.

~*~Chat room~*~

{Everyone {except Thor who is off on a date with a certain Jane Foster} is online}

Clint: I went to the shooting range, and exploded a wall-

Tony: Good job, Legolas!

Clint: Shut up Tony! So as I was saying I exploded a wall since SOMEONE mixed up my normal arrows with the explosive ones.

Draco: Loki do u have an idea who could it be?

Loki: Nope. No idea.

Clint: I know it was you idiots! Along with wasting my paintball ammo!

Draco: You have no proof, Katniss.

Clint: I was there the whole time genius! In the air vents! Except for the arrow mixing part!

Nat: Guys I suggest run, he is really pissed.

Draco: I'm thoroughly numb to pain so go ahead Clint, I won't feel a thing.

Loki: *ran off and barricaded himself in a room where there isn't any air vents* Good luck with finding me!

Clint: Damn you guys!

{Clint is offline and is sulking in his room}

Nat: *sighs* I'll go get him.

{Nat is offline}

Tony: Clintasha!!!!!!!!

Draco: What the...? No wait I don't want to know!!!

Bruce: Btw Tony he was the one who Post-It Noted your suit.

Draco: You snitch!

Tony: *gasps* Draco I never thought my own brother would do such thing!

Draco: We aren't brothers remember.

Loki: Finally someone with the same problem!

{Loki and Draco are having a private chat}

Tony: I ship it.

Bruce: Yeah they belong together

Steve: True, true, true.

{Everyone is offline}

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