#8- Finding the truth and Paranormal Activity, SAW

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A/n: This is after like a week or something. No one explained anything to Draco, either becuase they didn't know anything or they just didn't want to upset him or freak him out.

"I have found my files!" Draco exclaimed as he walked in holding a pendrive. "Draco are you sure you want to know?" Tony asked concerned for his little brother. "Yes I am!" Draco replied, and got his laptop. Draco went to his room, feeling like this was completely personal. After good ten minutes Draco came back to the main room looking like he had seen a ghost, since at this time only Tony was there he was the only one to assure him about anything. "T-Tony I-I'm..." Draco stuttered the pills he took wearing off by now. "Draco, nothing changed your still my little brother, and whatever you saw in those files you need to know most off it, it wasn't you who did it." Tony explained to Draco. "N-now it a-all m-makes sense. Wh-why y-you di-didn't want t-to tell m-me." Draco replied and sat down on the couch. "W-would i-it be a-a bother t-to you t-to have a m-movie m-marathon w-with me?" Draco asked and looked at his big brother. "Of course not. What are we watching? Snow White? Pinocchio?" Tony joked. "No. I'm not a kid anymore." Draco retorted. "How about Walking Dead?" Draco questioned. "Sure. If that's what you'd like." Tony replied. "No... How about Paranormal Activity then Saw?" Draco asked smiling in a creepy blood-crazed way. "Uh... Okay." Tony replied uneasily.


{Starks are online}

Draco: That. Was. Awesome!

Tony: Uh well... I'm not too sure about that one.

Draco: What. Why? Oh your scared! Tony, you're scared!

Tony: Oh you've got to admit it you were scared too!

Draco: Pfft, no! Hey I'm a virtual glitch, why would I be scared? I can't be killed and I could possess someone too!

Tony: oh yeah sure. I'm so believing you. (A/n: Sarcasm)

{Lights start turning on and off}

Draco & Tony: What the...

{Creepy rustling noise comes from Tony's lab}

Draco: Demon, take Tony's soul first! I'm already dead and I don't have one!

Tony: No! take Draco's he is more valuable I'm just a mere mortal while he is a virtual glitch almost another demon!!

{Footsteps coming closer towards the Starks}

Tony & Draco: PLEASE DONT KILL US!!!!

{The Starks have barricaded themselves away into the lab and are offline}

{The Avengers and Loki have turned off invisibility}

Clint: This is so going into the blackmail box. *screenshots*

Clint: This was a good idea, Loki.

Loki: Of course. I'm the god of mischief, after all you don't get that name for nothing.

{Power shuts down and creepy noise are heard}

Bruce: What hell is making that sound...?

Everyone else: We have no idea.

{More creepy noises}

Clint: Loki I swear if you're in this.

Loki: I'm not! I swear.

{Lights flickering}

{The avengers and Loki have barricaded themselves}

{Fury has turned off invisibilty}

Fury: Blackmail Box!!!!

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