#12-Ship names

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Everyone had noticed the way Draco and Loki look at each other, except themselves of course. Well to practically everyone it was obvious that when Draco first met Loki he had a major fangirl feelsplosion! Not big surprise that Draco developed a crush on Loki. Well and what comes with crushes? Being extremely awkward! Well Draco had perfectly nailed that part. At least he was good at it!

"Draco." Loki addressed as he walked into the room. Draco was typing on his laptop, obviously concentrating on it. "Shut up." Draco snapped at Loki, not realising that it was him, Draco thought it was either Thor, Steve or Clint who wanted to bother him with something dull and useless such as how society works. Loki raised and eyebrow taken aback by Draco's tone, but he figured that Draco wasn't mad at him, he was just concentrating on something else and didn't want to be disturbed. "Draco, I'd just-" Loki started but was cut off by Draco again. "Steve, Thor, whoever the heck you are, leave me be please I'm trying to get work done here, and don't have time for your dullness." Draco explained making a waving gesture with his left hand. "Oh... I'm Loki by the way." Loki corrected him. Draco instantly looked up at Loki. "Oh my protons! I'm so sorry, Loki, I thought Steve or Thor was going to bother me with questions about electronics again. But if you've got a question about electronics it's okay, you'll at least understand most of it." Draco scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, he knew he had embarrassed himself enough now. "Actually I'd like to know the history of the interweb." Draco smiled to himself, Loki used the word interweb instead of internet just like him. "Where did you hear that word?" Draco questioned, blushing slightly just because Loki was there and he still felt embarrassed. "From you." The answer was simple, but to Draco it was worth a billion dollars. "Well the whole thing started with the military wanting to invent a network system, which was fast to communicate through..." Draco started his explaining, while closing his laptop and putting it onto the coffee table.

~*~ Chat room~*~

{Avengers are online}

Tony: Guys, I've got news!!

Bruce: Oh god, Tony, please tell me it's not what you bothered me in the lab.

Tony: Too bad, Brucie, it is!

Nat: Spill the beans already!

Tony: Draco and Loki have major crushes on each-other!

Steve: *faceplam* Tony, what the...?

Thor: Anthony is that true? You are talking about my brother, be aware of that.

Tony: It's obvious! The looks they give each-other! Plus whenever Loki isn't around Draco can't shut up about Loki. Same goes for Loki, yesterday me and Loki made a random conversation, and a few drinks opened him up, and he asked me if Draco would say yes if he'd ask him out.

Clint: Well now you don't owe him a drink anymore.

Nat: Nice one!

Tony: Yep!

Tony: I ship it!

Nat: I'm with him on that one!

Bruce: *sighs* Me too.

Steve: Alright, me too

Clint: Sure.

Thor: I shall return to Asgard!

{Thor is offline}

Tony: Ship name ideas?? Droki?

Clint: Sounds weird, but not bad. Frostcode?

Everyone: Good one! Frostcode it is!

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