#15- Droki!

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(A/N: The picture has nothing to do with the chapter, I just found it funny.)
Loki was sitting on the couch in the living room, reading one of his books, what it was about was a total mystery to everyone except him and the author of the book. Draco came in and lied down onto the couch not bothering himself at all with the fact that his head was in Loki's lap. "Wat'cha reading Loki?" Draco asked trying to get a glimpse at him but the book blocked his view. "A spell book as you can see." Loki replied and Draco rolled his eyes. "Yes figured that much myself." Draco said a bit annoyed. He wasn't annoyed by Loki, he was annoyed by himself, he wanted to confess but was too scared of getting rejected and loosing Loki that he didn't have the courage but wanted to go out with the demigod so bad. Draco didn't see that Loki was blushing madly, by how close he was. Loki was hesitating between two choices: ask Draco to move and talk with him about their relationship status or just wait for him to do something. Both were heading in the same direction one of them asking the other out. Loki sighed and decided he'd talk with Draco since it seemed Draco wasn't going to do anything. "Draco could you move? This is a position mostly people with a closer relationship then just friends are in." Loki stated. Draco shrugged and gave an answer Loki certainly didn't expect. "Let's go out then. I wanted to ask you out anyway." Draco sated simply. Loki set down his book onto the nearest flat surface which was a coffee table. "Draco I-" Loki started but got cut off by a worried Draco. "Oh my Satan. You don't want to. I should've known." Draco said quick as ever. "Draco, please don't get me wrong. I would love to, but I didn't expect you to ask me and you didn't let me finish." Loki explained and Draco visibly relaxed. "So I don't have to move right?" Draco asked and laughed childishly. Loki smiled. "Of course not." Draco sat up though. He looked into Loki's eyes and seemed to be leaning in. "Can I ask you something?" Draco questioned. "Go ahead." Was the reply. Draco took in a deep breath, while gathering all his courage. "You'repefectcanIkissyou?" Draco asked quickly. "Draco slow down." Loki said and Draco nodded. "You're perfect. Can I kiss you?" Draco looked away blushing slightly. "I'm not perfect, love." Loki replied smiling widely. "Oh shut up already." Draco rolled his eyes and leaned in, closing the gap between them. Their lips moved in perfect sync. The kiss was gentle but passionate. When they pulled apart for air, Draco smiled. Loki smiled back, they didn't need to exchange any words to know that both of them were so happy that there was no way to really explain it.
~*~Chat Room~*~
{Everyone is online}
Draco: Guys me and Loki have news.
Loki: So we are just going to jump into it and tell everyone?
Draco: Yes! Isn't that what we've been talking about for the past 30 minutes?
Tony: Ooooooooooooh! Something's up between them! *wiggles eyebrows*
Steve: Tony! Grow up!
Draco: ANYWAY! Loki should I or you tell them?
Loki: Together?
Draco: Sure. We
Loki: Are
Draco: Together!
Tony: So totally called it!!!!!!!!
Bruce: Tony.... Calm down
Tony: But it is so totally OTP!!!!
Nat: The hell is OTP?
Clint: Exactly!
Bruce: Trust me you don't want to know.
Thor: I shall talk to my brother now!
Loki: We aren't brothers!
{Thor has dragged Loki away to talk}
Draco: Should I be worried?
Everyone: No? Yes? Maybe!
Draco: Okay... Well I'm off to annoy S.H.I.E.L.D.!
{Draco has left Stark Tower}
Clint: Do u guys ever wonder about where he is going when he says that?
Nat: Yep!
Tony: he so totally isn't going to a physcologist...
Steve: Why the hell does he go to a psychologist?????
Bruce: Tony?
Tony: I have said too much
{Tony has left to his lab all mission impossible style}
Bruce: I'm sometimes worrying about his sanity.....
Nat: So I'm not the only one worrying about my boyfriends sanity
Steve: You have a boyfriend?!
Nat: Oh look at the time I have to go. Come on Clint we have to go to S.H.I.E.L.D.!
Clint: What! Why- Oh yeah! Bye guys!
{Clint and Nat are offline}
Bruce: I ship it.
Steve: Me too.
{Everyone is offline}

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