#9- Bored!

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Draco was in the living room, lying on the couch staring at the ceiling. Sounds completely normal doesn't it? Well Draco had a Glock 40 Gen4 in his left hand, aimed at the wall. "Bored!" He exclaimed, his British accent thicker then usual. This wasn't unusual though for him, his accent along with his eye colour depending on his mood. (A/n: That makes sense right?) After his exclamation, Draco shot the wall. "Bored!" Again the wall got shot. "Bored!" Draco was about to shoot again, but a certain captain of America stopped him from doing so. "Hey! What are you doing?!" Draco rolled his eyes. "Isn't it obvious?" Draco replied in an annoyed tone. Steve sighed, but stayed silent. Draco jumped up and shot the wall again. "Bored!" Draco now held the gun upside down. "Bored!" He shot the wall and switched hands. "Bored!" Again fired a shot and again changed hands. "Bored!" The wall got shot again. "Draco you can't shoot the wall because you are bored!" Steve spoke up, before Draco shot again. "Just did." was the reply and the wall was shot again. "Looks like your precious little HYDRA base was more entertaining." Clint stated as he waked into the room. The archer tried not to look impressed, the wall was shot exactly in the same spot. "No it wasn't. I was too busy trying not to piss off anyone and get tormented more than usual. Didn't have time for boredom." Draco said then quickly added. "Although it was really tedious." Draco was trying not to get a flashback now, those didn't go well when others were around. "If Tony sees this..." Steve trailed off, shaking his head. "Oh come on! The wall had it coming all along!" Draco rolled his eyes. "Anyway, Tony got used to this if I recall correctly..." Draco muttered. "I heard my name! And got used to what?" Tony inquired. "This." Draco recharged his Glock and shot the wall. "Oh let me guess you're bored again." Tony said and Draco just gave him a 'isn't it obvious' look. "Well then best time ever to visit HQ." Tony announced.

*About ten minutes later*

"Why are we here again? Draco questioned. Tony and him were outside Fury's office, waiting for Fury to finish whatever he was doing. "Because you are becoming an agent." Tony answered and Fury walked out of his office. "S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent ID. You're already a level seven. Follow me downstairs and you can go onto your first mission with agent Quartz." Fury explained and handed Draco the ID. Just with Draco's luck, his pills wore off jsut after this so his hands started shaking and spasming around. "L-le-let's g-ge-get go-going." Draco managed to stutter out, Fury nodded and they walked into a meeting room where a tall, well built, blond, slightly tanned boy was waiting for them. /Over comfidence, double digit IQ, young, about 11-12th grader, football player, straight, maybe homophobic? Not sure. Oh yeah probably a huge douchebag./ Draco thought to himself. "Agent Stark, Agent Quartz. From now in you two are working together. Everythings on this pendrive that you need to know." Fury threw a pendrive towards Randy Quartz who caught it. /Yep! Definetly football player./ Draco noted to himself. Fury left, and Draco just leaned against the door awkwardly. "Hey, why don't we get to know each other first? Who the hell are you?" Randy asked in a rather rude tone. Draco popped a pill into his mouth swallowed it then waited a few seconds and after this he started speaking. "Why get to know each other we already know each other." Draco stayed nochalantly, his British accent have a big contrast next to Randy's American one. "Oh really do we?" Randy asked sarcastically. Draco sighed, double-digit IQ confirmed. "I know that you are over confident, have a double digit IQ, about in 11-12th grade in highschool of course. You are the captain if the football team and definetly staight, maybe homophobic? Not sure." Draco said then quickly added. "Oh yeah and a huge douchebag." Draco smiled at Randy innocently. Randy blinked a few times, trying to sort all the information out. "Correct... Most of it is correct. Just I'm not a douchebag and not over confident." Randy said. "Whatever. JAAI open usb slot." Draco instructed the AI in his arm. A usb slot appeared on his left wrist. "Give me the pendrive." Draco held his hand out towards Randy. "Here. Wow dude what's up with your hand?" Randy handed over the pendrive. Draco imserted it into his hand. "JAAI read the files for me." Draco instructed.

*an awful mission, and a few murder attempts later*

After the mission Draco went back to Stark Tower, looking jet-lagged and by that I mean he looked like shit. "Hey Draco-" Tony started but got cut off by Draco. "Please just.... Don't." Draco said and collapsed onto the sofa groaning in an inhuman way. Bruce ran in a few minutes later. "Who's dying?!" He questioned. "Nah, not dying, more like losing precious braincells." Tony corrected looking at Draco. "Oh. Is he going to be...." Bruce trailed off. "Fine? Maybe. Dying? No. Still as much of a genius as before? Probably not." Tony sighed a bit. "Draco." Draco turned over and fell of the couch. "What?" Draco asked, now facing Tony, but still on the floor. "What happened?" Tony questioned, small hint of concern in his voice. "On the mission? A lot of things, for example I attempted..." Draco started counting on his fingers. "Murder at least 15 times against Randy, the idiotic, dull, boring, jock, homophobic bastard who I was on the mission with, and will go on missions with!" Another inhuman groan.

~*~Chat room~*~

{Everyone (except Thor and Loki since they are away in Ass-gaurd- I mean Asgard and Clint who is... Where ever he is) is online}

Tony: Our 2 fav demigods r returning tomorrow!

Draco: U mean Thor and who?

Tony: You never met Loki?

Nat: But we actually pranked u guys!

Tony: So it was u all making those creepy noises! But that's not important right now. Draco Loki is the god of Mischief, and the adopted little brother of Thor.

Draco: Yep, figured that much out already.

Bruce: I've got a bad feeling that they'll get along just too well.

Steve: Luckily I wasn't the only one worrying about that.

Draco: *awkwardly clears throat* Why exactly are you worrying?

Bruce: Two people who have perfect strategies on mischief making. Together the world should be worrying.

Draco: U really think my strategies r perfect?

Nat: Draco that's not the point!

Draco: Whatevs!

{Clint is online}


Draco: Hehehehehehehehehehehehehe.....

Tony: Oh shit just got real!


Draco: Should I be worrying?

Everyone: Yep!


{Clint is offline}

Nat: Draco I advise you barricade yourself away, he gets really pissed off if you mess with his bow & arrows. Fend for yourself.

Draco: What's that noise? Oh damn it he's here!

{Technical error: Chat room apologises for the error that cut off one of our users: Draco}

Tony: RIP Draco, I'll miss you.

Nat: R.I.P. I never knew you too well.

Bruce: RIP Draco.

Steve: RIP.

{Everyone is offline}

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