Chapter 2: Huston We Have A Problem

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Hey Guys. Please leave comments! They make me smile!! If you do so, are you are the first, you will get a dedication! Also, if you would like to be in this story message me!!


I woke up the next morning, to the sound of Adam slamming my front door. I jumped and rolled off the couch, where I had fallen asleep the previous night.

"WHY ARE YOU STILL ASLEEP!?!?!" He shouted.

"Adam shut up! I do have neighbors you know!" I scolded.

"Sorry, sorry. But you need to get up and get ready; we have a bit of preparing to do before the signing." He said throwing his hands in the air, surrendering.

"What time is it?"


"Oh, I have plenty of time."

"You dear, are not a normal women. Summer and Leah would have taken at least an hour just to pick out clothes." Adam said, shaking his head.

"Adam, Leah is only 3." I pointed out.


Oh this boy's family. How does he survive?

I rose from the sofa, and began my routine. I showered and did my bathroom prep fairly quickly, and then skipped over to my wardrobe.

I decided to wear my favorite red skinny jeans, a black and dark gray stripped t-shirt, and Batman Converse. I put my hair in a ponytail, and grabbed my jean-hoodie jacket.

I stepped out of my bedroom, and Adam smiled.

"Wow, you made it out in 30 minutes flat. Record time, and you look great."

"Thanks." I mumbled. I hated complements.

We walked out of the apartment building, and I hopped into my car. I started it up, and thanked heaven above that it started. Let's just say I have a junkier car.

I drove to the store, and when I arrived, there was a huge bus, what I assumed was the bands tour bus, in the parking lot. I parked, at the other end away from the bands bus, and ran inside.

As I cleaned my feet of all the snow, I sighed, another long day head of me. Great.

"Janelle!!" a little voice shouted.

My legs were then attacked, by little arms wrapping around them. I looked down and smiled. She was so cute! I picked Leah up, and her arms wrapped around my neck.

"How's my favorite little princess?" I asked her, in a playful tone.

"Daddy has strange men in his office! And he wont let me inside!!" she whined. I laughed, she's adorable.

Leah's long blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes made her look just like Summer, although her needle point nose and smile made her look just like Adam. She was truly a lucky girl.

"Leah, you know daddy is busy working, we just had to give him his lunch." Summer said, appearing from the office doorway.

Summer was tallish, about 5'5" and all legs. Like her daughter she had long blonde hair and brilliant blue eyes. She was probably as big around the waist as Leah was. Such a lucky girl.

"Hey, he busy working away?" I asked.

"As usual, he was in such a rush this morning he forgot his lunch, so Leah and I hopped in that car. You know how big this is for him." She said, smiling.

"Yep, not only him, but the store as well, were defiantly going to be heard of. By the way, what band is it?"

"I'm not really sure, I can't remember the name. But Adam needs you in the office, so we should go."

"No! I want to go home with Janelle!!" Leah protested, her grip on my neck growing tighter.

"How about you two stop by after I get off work? You can stay over, and we can have a girls day. Sound fun?" I said, looking at Summer for approval.

"I don't see why not!" She said, as I handed her Leah.

"Yeah! See you later, Janelle!!" Leah yelled.

"I'll give you a call later." I told Summer, as they went out the door.

I walked behind the counter, and knocked on Adam's office door. While waiting I sighed, I just wanted to get this day over with.

"There you are!" he shouted, when he saw it was me at the door.

'Yeah, I would have been here sooner but I was attacked." I stated.

"But what?" he asked, dumbfounded.

I chuckled, and smiled. "Your 4 year old."

"Ohh, I understand. Well, we have a few minutes till the signing opens. Come meet the band!" he shouted, once again, pulling me inside.

"Alright, Alright! If it's that important to you!" I said, laughing.

"Gentlemen, I would like you to me my right hand man...I mean...right hand women, Janelle." Adam said.

I finally had the courage to look up from the floor, hoping my cheeks were not bright red. I suddenly locked eyes with the last person I never wanted to see.

Gerard Way.

Oh god, heaven all mighty help me now. What am I going to do! There is no way in hell I am working today. Shiz, it may already be to late, he's seen me! Wait, why does that matter? He doesn't even know me, not really anyway?! Okay whatever I do, I cannot, and I repeat, cannot be near him today. Must. Avoid. At. All. Cost.

"Janelle. Janelle! JANELLE!!!!" a voice shouted, scarring the life out of me.

"WHAT!!" I yelled back. I wasn't really in my right mind, so I hand not a clue who I was yelling at.

Then I realized I was staring at Gerard, and probably freaking him out. I tour my eyes away, and gathered my mind.

"Janelle are you okay? You look a little pale" I suddenly realized it was Adam speaking.

"Yeah, umm, I.." I didn't have the power to finish my sentence.

I busted out of the door, and ran outside. The bitter cold swept over me, but I didn't care. Even though it was probably -579837487 degrees outside, icy as hell, and me being as clumsy as I am, running on ice should probably be considered life threating.

Yet, I made it to my car without slipping. At least something went right today. I sat there, in my car, I wanted to drive away, but I knew Adam needed me here.

Adam owes me...big time

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