Chapter 4: Answeres

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Hey guys! Sorry its been forever since the last update, but i was just never motivated, and then when i finally decided to write, my teachers decided it was time to swampp me with homework and projects. SO now that i am an overachever i got everything done! Here is Chapter 4!!


Chapter 4-(P.O.V. Janelle)- I smiled, mainly because it was all I could think of doing. Bandit, was smiling so big it was at least half of her face alone.  I giggled at her silly antics.

“Janelle! I missed you!” she cheered.

“Already? We’ve been apart for a total of maybe 5 minutes, Bandit.” I stated.

“Yea, 5 whole minutes of my life that was spent listening to her go on and on about ‘Janelle this and Janelle that! “ Gerard said with a smile, mocking Bandits tone.

“Hey! I don’t sound like that!” she protested.

“Yes, yes you do child.” He said.

Bandit crosses her arms and pouts, I was still laughing, uncontrollably.

Gerard then turned his attention back to me, and I regained composer. I motioned for them to join me in my booth, Bandit smiled and hopped in, followed by Gerard.

 I felt a bit uneasy, mainly because every time I look at him, I see a guy that use to have red hair and dressed in a racing jacket, jeans, and yellow mask.

But he looks so different, yet all the same. He had brown hair, that wasn’t as long as it was before; he dressed in a Smashing Pumpkins t-shirt, jeans, and sunglasses.

 Although, I wasn’t sure what I expected. In this world he is a famous rack-star, that has saved millions of lives. Truly something special, if I do say so myself.

“Janelle?” Gerard said, snapping his finger in front of my face, pulling me from my self-conflicted.

“Oh sorry, I spaced out.” I said, smiling a fake smile. “So how long are you guys in New York for?”

“Awhile actually, why?” Gerard asked.

“Hey! Idea!! Go Bandit! Anyway since we are going to be in town for a while cane me and Janelle hang out and stuff?” Bandit asked, stopping me from speaking.

“I don’t mind, it’s all up to your dad.” I said.

“Sure that’s fine.” He said.

“Cool, umm I have a friend and her daughter coming over for a girls day. Bandit can just join us. I’ll give you my address and phone number so we can keep in touch. Sound good?” I said.

“Sounds great.” he said with a smile.

My heart clenched, but I ignored it and wrote what was needed on a napkin. I handed it to him, care full not to make our hands touch.

What was I doing? I just gave the man I have been trying to avoid for 3 years my address and phone number.

I think I’m losing my mind.

“Alright well, I better head off now. It was really great to meet you, Janelle.”

“You as well.” I said.

He hugged Bandit and headed off. I looked at Bandit, and she was back to the half-a-face-smile. This girl makes me worry sometimes.

“He likes you!” she practically yelled.

“Shh, and no he doesn’t.” I retorted.

“Excuse me, but I believe I have lived with this man for about 16years, and I know when he likes someone. And you just happen to be the luck one.”

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