Chapter 7: Who's Bipolar? Oh

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Pretty much a filler chapter, until like, the very end. I'm not quite sure whats going to happen next. I know what i want to happen, but not sure how to get there. So yeah, sorry for not updating in forever. I've been busy...copeing with the break up of MCR. Yeah its hard. But, if any of you MCR fans out there just need someone to talk to, i'm here. That may sound creepy, but i know for me its always easier to talk to someone you dont know. Just know that i'm here for anyone who needs me.

Okay...on with the story....


Chapter 7

(P.O.V Janelle)

I sighed.

Wow, seems like I do that a lot.

All the guys, (Except Gerard) have agreed to support my decision and come to dinner tonight, with my mom. I was nervous, and scared, and worried. I missed my Bandit more than anything, and wanted her to be here desperately. But she was still in the hospital.

Stupid seizures.

There was a knock at the door, and I practically ran to answer it, hoping it was my mother. But it was only Mikey, Frank, and Ray.

“Where are the girls?” I asked.

Jessica, and Reinly were flying out here to New York to support me. Or at least they said the wanted to ‘support me’ however I knew they really just wanted to know the latest gossip of my dating life.

Sneaky little buggers.

“Oh, they should be coming, they called us on our way over saying they were going to change at the hotel and then be right here.” Mikey said.

“Alright, well I have everything set up. I hope you guys still like Italian food?” I say.

“of course, Janelle. You know we haven’t changed much, since then.” Ray says.

“Are you kidding? You have changed a hell of a lot since them!” I say.

“Maybe in your eyes, but I still cant figure out how Jessica makes her damn Oreo Cheesecake!” Frank yells.

I laugh, remembering the good ol’ days. Frank spent weeks trying to figure out Jessica’s cheesecake. He missed all kinds of missions and everything. 

I walk over and sit on the couch, I left the door open, so it will cool off some in here, using the oven makes it rather warm. The guys chatted with each-other, I just sat in silence.

Even though these guys were like family to me, I kinda felt…lonely.

Soon my mother showed up, and Jessica and Reinly right after her. Looking around, they were all getting along so well! But some elements of my family were missing, and without them it didn’t feel complete.

“Mom?” I hear a familiar voice.

I look up, seeing my little girl Bandit. I smile, she was beautiful.

“I hope its okay that we stopped by?” another voice says.

I stand, looking past Bandit, seeing a figure I new all to well standing in the doorway.


“Bandit honey, Aunt Jessica and Aunt Reinly our here, why don’t you go say hi?” I say, sending her on her way.

I pull Gerard into the hall, and shut the door softly.

“What are you doing here?” I ask, fiercely.

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