Chapter 16; I Don't Love You, Like I Loved You Yesterday

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I know this chapter is kind of short, and i'm sorry for that, but THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER, for now.

It's really hard to part with it, and the ending is sucks but I don't want to run this into the ground like so many other things have. My original plan just isn't what I want to do with this story. But in the future if I ever decide to add to this, just check my message board.

-Feels explotions-

So guys, i hope you enjoy this, and i know i'm terrible for the long wait, blahh...


Chapter 16;

(P.O.V Janelle)

I sat in the office chair, awaiting the arrive of the Killjoy’s. When I had agreed to Krose’s conditions. I didn’t have the faintest Idea what I was getting into, but I hoped that somehow my friends would be able to make it out alive.

I watched from the window as the van I recognized as Dr. D’s pulled next to the building, soon followed by the Trans-AM.

I thought it was funny, how all those years ago Demetria told me I was the weapon to destroying the Killjoy’s, or more so, Gerard.

She had been right all along.

I sat still, dressed in my slacks, white t-shirt and black blazer, but I was still wearing my combat boots.

Demetria had made my job simple, and hid a BL/ind gun in boot for ‘safe keeping’.

I knew the time had come, when I heard the door to the office open. Someone’s hand brushed the back of the leather chair, spinning it around.

I met the eyes of person who had the gun pressed to my head.

Gerard’s eyes widened, and quickly removed the gun.

“Hello, Poison. It’s been a while.” I said, evilly.

“Janelle…how? Why? Was…were on their side this whole time?!” he yelled, anger flashing through his eyes.

I laughed, sounding a lot like Maleficent (The Witch from Sleeping Beauty).

“You are a naïve one, aren’t you?” I said.

Gerard turned to the rest of his team, his hands balling into a fist.

“Go, all of you. Go find Korse, and take him down.” He said, his voice low.

“But Gerard-“ Battery stuttered.

“No, go now, Battery! You don’t need me, I have something else to do. When your done, go straight to Dr. D’s van, do not wait for me. Okay?” he said.

They all nodded, and ran from the room.

“My, my, they are quite the darling little ducklings aren’t they.” I said.

As I stood from my chair, I grabbed the gun that was hidden in my boot. I hid it behind my back, my hand steady on the trigger.

I walked across the room, around my desk, and stood a few feet from Gerard.

“I want answers, Janelle. Real answers, not just riddles.” He said.

“Whatever you want, Gee baby.” I said.

“Have you been on this side the whole time? Or is this a new business agreement?” he asked, taking a step closer.

“No, I was on your side most of the time, until I realized that we had a one in zero chance of winning this fight.” I said.

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