Chapter3: Listen To Your Heart.

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The song for this chapter is Haven't Met You Yet by Michael Buble. It's kinda ironic, but that's why i picked it!! So guys, sorry it's been awhile. i just haven't been motivated. Yeah, i'm horrible. I"M SORRY!! hhaha Enjoy


Chapter 3-(Janelle P.O.V)-

I finally gathered up the courage to go back inside. As I slowly crept to the front door, I scattered my brain for a worthy excuse.

I open the door, finding Adam, Frank, Ray, Mikey, and Gerard chatting. When they saw me, they froze. I swallowed hard and sighed.

"Sorry I ran out like that, i- umm- just needed some air." I stuttered.

"Janelle, I think you should go sit in my office. You look like you're going to be sick." Adam insisted.

"Are you sure you don't need my help?" I asked, keeping my gaze strictly at Adam or the floor.

"Your not going to be very much help if you throw up everywhere will you?" he said, smiling.

"I guess your right." I said, then slid into the office.

I plopped into the spinning chair, and spun around a few times. I took a deep breathe, and sighed. I had to get it together. They don't even know who I am, and after today, I will probably never see them again.

"umm, hello." Said a voice.

I spun around quickly, and seen...Bandit.

I wanted everything to run up and hug her, tell her how much I miss her, but I knew I couldn't. I would probably be sent to the mental institute.

"Hello, who are you?" I said, as though I didn't know.

"I'm Bandit, Gerard's daughter." She said, with a smile.

"I'm Janelle, Adam's right hand women." I smiled.

"Do you mind if I stay in here while they do there thing?" she asked, I could tell she needed girl time.

"Oh, of course, come on in, I won't bit." I said, motioning to the chair opposite me.

"Thanks." She said, as she sat down.

"I bet it's stressful, being the only girl on the bus." I said, trying to make conversation.

"Yeah, it can be at times. But at other times its fun." She said.

There was a sudden knock at the door, and then Adam poked his head in. He smiled when he seen me and Bandit together.

"Well, Janelle I'm glad you found a friend." He said, smiling evilly.

"I have friends" i protested, giggling, but looking offended.

"Yeah, me and my wife." He retorted.

I hit Adam upside the head, and not hard, but not light either.

"Ow! Hey watch it missy, its your pay check at stake here."

"Missy? I'm Janelle! Adam, I'm surprised at you! You don't even know your best friends name! Gasp! Have you been cheating?" I babbled playfully.

"Cheating? No! Never!" he said, trying not to act 'guilty.'

"So its true! Adam I'm offended!" I said, acting 'wounded.'

I glanced over at Bandit, who was nearly doubled over laughing. I was glad she was getting a kick out of this.

When the laughing settled, we all took a deep breathe and began to settle back into reality.

"Well, Janelle, in all serious ness, I came in here to make sure you were okay. Also Gerard asked if you would do a huge favor and keep his daughter company, but it looks like she has found you." He said.

"Yeah, sure, I'll keep Bandit company, is that all they need?" I asked.

"Yeah, but if anything else shows up, I'll let you know." He said, shutting the door.

After about 3 hours of trying to teach Bandit a few songs on guitar, watching YouTube video's, and playing games, our day of hard work was finally done.

"I'm beginning to understand why board games are called BOARD games." I said, as I put Clue back into the supply closet.

There was a knock at the door , and to my surprise Mikey popped his head in the door.

"Hey Bandit, you ready to go?" he asked.

"Yea, one second." She said.

Then she ran up and hugged me. I was shocked for a moment, but then I hugged her back. The only reason I would go back would be for Bandit. I know that the mother-daughter like relationship we had was never real. But to me, it was. Because I never had a mom, and now she doesn't either.

"I had fun Janelle, thank you." She said, then headed out the door.

As I began to tidy up the office a bit, I notice something written on a napkin. Bandit had written down her phone number. Part of me told me to keep it, and text her. Another part of me told me to throw it away.

I went with my heart and neatly folded the napkin into my pocket. I told Adam good bye and left the store. Totally exhausted. On my drive home, I couldn't pass up the chance of getting coffee.

I pulled up in front of Starbuck, and trailed inside. I ordered regular French-Vanilla coffee, and sat at a booth in the corner of the dining area.

I pulled out my phone, and being the nerd I am, I pulled up the book I was currently reading for the millionth time, The Outsiders.

A few minutes later, I noticed someone walking towards my booth, out of the corner of my eye. Looking up I seen it was, long and behold.

Gerard Way, and Bandit...again.

I'm starting to get the feeling that my 'stay in secrecy' plan has come to an unexpected twist of events.


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