Chapter 6: Someone's PMSing...

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Chapter 6

(P.O.V. Janelle)-  I rubbed my face with my hands as I sat in the hospital waiting room. None of us had a clue what happened with Bandit, and I swear the stress and worry is making my hair grey.

Someone- who I think was Gerard- cried out in frustration. I was annoyed as hell, but wasn’t going to say anything, we all were on edge.

“What is taking them so long!” Gerard said, finally breaking the odd silence.

“Gerard, dude calm down, they probably have a lot of shit to deal with.” Frank said, trying to comfort his best friend.

Gerard stood up abundantly, and started walking in the direction where they took Bandit.

“What are you doing!” I yelled, chasing after him.

He stopped, and turned to face me. His mossy green eyes were cold and hard.

“Going to check on my daughter.” He said.

“She’s my daughter to, I’m coming with you.” I said.

“Oh you mean the daughter you abandoned?” he snapped.

I froze, and he turned and walked away. I couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe, I was literally frozen. How could he say that! I didn’t abandon Bandit! I sent her to live with him, because I couldn’t take care of her! I wanted her to have a good life! I did it for her! I felt the tears weld up in my eye, and I took off. I ran out of the hospital, and into my car.

Starting the engine, I hadn’t the slightest idea where I was going. But as I got down the road a little ways, I knew exactly who I needed to see.


Or other wise known as,

My mother.

In secret, I had Frank tell me where Demetria had gone, after they had destroyed BL/ind. Turns out, she’d disappeared, without a trace.

So I must say, thank you, whoever invented Google, because I did some digging , and found out where she was. Downtown New York, not the best place to be, but hey, when you are an undiscovered criminal, being chased by four guys in tight  pants, you go where you can.

I nervously knocked on her door, and held my breathe. I hadn’t the slightest idea what I was going to say, or do. All I knew, is that every part of me, was screaming to come here.

When the door opened, I was greeted by a familiar face. Back when the Killjoy’s were thriving about, I would have bolted like hell to get away from this women. But now? Something told me, that I had to come to her.

“Janelle? Wow you haven’t changed a bit have you.” She said, smiling.

“No not really.” I said, nervously.

“Please, come in, would you like some tea, or coffee?”

“Coffee would be great, actually.” I said.

Before the Killjoy’s I was never much of a coffee drinker, but after I woke in the hospital, I began to drink it like there was no tomorrow.

Demetria quickly came back, offering sugar. I politely declined, and sipped my coffee.

“So Janelle, to what do I owe this surprise visit?” she asked.

“I actually came to address something that happened in the past. About…me being…your daughter.” I said, hoping she wouldn’t flip.

To my surprise she stayed calm, and glanced down at her tea, before looking me in the eyes.

“You were a miracle, but I knew that my taking care of you was out of the question. When you were born, your father took you, and fled to New Jersey. Leaving me behind in California. It left me heart broken, especially when he married that witch, and had another child.”

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