Chapter 8: The World is Ugly...and We're Disenchated

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Hey! Sorry i havent updated in Forever and a half, but i've been haveing some personal problems. Anyway, in my family attemp to make me get off my lazy ace and do something, my mom and i got a horse! SO we have been buzy working with her. Her name is Jewel and she is a Quarter Horse/Paint. She's so sweet, and soon hopefully i'll be getting a horse of my own! I've never had a horse before so this is kinda exciting!

Okay, Okay...On with the story, i'll shut up now!!!

(P.S. Disenchated on the side~~>)


Chapter 8

(P.O.V Gerard)

Bandit and I were broke from our sudden concentration by a loud scream and thud. I practically flew out of my seat and ran down the stairs finding Janelle lying on the floor, in tears.

“Janelle! Babe are you okay?” I asked her.

“ahasdjfhuergtghvajkrhtiughfrhghdlkashkdhf” she cried.

I patted Janelle’s back, in a very sad attempted to calm her down. Then I noticed, the paper in her hand.

Better Living Industries.

“Gad damn it, Janelle!” I shouted.

I rushed to my feet, and began to pace about.

“ Dad calm down!” Bandit shouted.

“Calm down? Really Bandit! After all I’ve tried to do to keep your mother and you safe from these people, your telling me to calm down!” I shouted.

“How dare you yell at our daughter!” Janelle said, getting up, tears still streaming down her face.

Okay, Gerard. Relax. You just got her back, don’t do anything stupid. I took a deep breathe, and hugged Bandit.

“I’m sorry sweetie.” I said.

“Its okay dad, I’ll be in the music room.” She said, smiling and walked out, shutting the door as she went.

I turned to face Janelle, only to be greeted by a scowl.

“Say It!” she growled.

“Say what?” I asked, dumbfounded.

“Say ‘I told you so’ I know you want to!” she shouted.

I simply ignored her, and began pacing about. I picked up the paper off the floor, realizing that I had dropped it. 

(P.O.V Janelle)

I was livid.

Gerard yelling at Bandit was uncalled for, and way out of line.

I was also ashamed.

I was ashamed at myself because after everything that has happened, I let that witch back into my life, and it blows up in my face. Gerard, warned me, but I was stubborn and didn’t listen.

I felt the tears still rolling down my cheeks, as I looked at Gerard, Hopeful.

“What do we do?!” I asked, broken-heartedly.

I had calmed down, much since I thought about things. I was worried, not for myself, but for my family. Gerard hugged me, and I cried into his chest.

He picked me up, and laid me on the bed, holding me closely. I was still crying, as he began to whisper comforting things to me. And before I knew it, he began to sing.

Cuz' the world is ugly

But you’re beautiful to me

Are you thinking of me

The World Is Ugly (Sequel to Convicted)Where stories live. Discover now