Chapter 46

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It was sunset and Meredith paced back and forth on the lawn wearing a knee length white dress. She kept staring at her phone in hand, wondering why he wasn't answering his phone and where the hell he was. She glanced around the hill where they first met. She'd laid candles in a stupid aisle and circular shape to symbolize and alter. Not that many people would see it, she thought it was stupid.

"Stupid, asshole, loser." she muttered to herself.

"Hey." she heard in a warm but out of breath voice.

"Where have you been!" she yelled "I've been trying to call you. And then I was here waiting and I decided to do build us an alter, but I don't build alters, I'm a surgeon. And so I did this cheesy stupid thing and now I feel like a lame ass loser and.." he cut her off with a kiss that made her moan.

"Meredith." he breathed "Let's get married."

"Ok." she whispered "Who did you get to marry us?"

Derek grinned and turned, she looked to the edge of the trail to see a woman grinning at her with a head full of black curls.

"Christina!" Meredith hissed and then glared at Derek "I said no friends!"

"Technically she's not here as a friend. She's here to marry us."

"What?" Meredith frowned "But you're a surgeon, not a priest."

"The internet is a wonderful thing these days." Christina grinned "Only took me thirty minutes."

"You became an ordained minister in thirty minutes?" Meredith raised her brow "That's scary."

"The really scary part is that I can bless my patients souls right before I slice them open." She said. Meredith rolled her eyes. "So are you guys wanting to get married or what?"

"Yes." they both nodded.

They all walked to the large tree and then Meredith and Derek turned to face each other and held hands as Christina took out a small book and scanned over it.

"Ok so, you take Meredith to be your wife?"

"I do." He smiled.

"Do you promise to love her, honor, cherish and protect her. And not look at another woman for the rest of your life or so help her she'll have the right to cut your balls off."

Derek looked a little disgruntled as he glanced at Christina. She shrugged.

"I do." he said.

"Cool." she said "Meredith do you take Derek to be your husband?"

"Yes." Meredith said "I mean.. I do." Derek chuckled under his breath.

"Do you promise to love, honor, cherish, forsake all other men and all that other crap?"

"Um." Meredith frowned "I do."

"Good." Christina smiled "Rings?"

"Oh we don't have.." Meredith started to say but saw Derek pull something out of his shirt pocket and widened her eyes "I said no rings!"

"You can take it off when you're at work. You don't have to wear it at all. I just wanted to give it to you, because I love you....and it was my mothers."

Meredith gulped as she saw the beautiful ring he was pinching between his fingers.

"I didn't get you one." she mumbled.

"It's ok." he smiled. She sighed and then looked up and saw some fruit on the tree above their heads.

She smiled as an idea occurred to her and reached and picked a cherry from the limb. She plucked the cherry from the stem and stuck it in her mouth. Derek and Christina looked on incredulously as her tongue moved around inside her mouth, she seemed to be concentrating hard. Finally she breathed and reached in and pulled the cherry stem from her mouth that was now in a perfect round circle. Derek looked at her with a new sense of darkness in his eyes.

"You did that all with your tongue?" he asked.

"Uh-huh." she nodded. "We have rings."

"You're giving me your cherry." he grinned. She giggled.

"Oh keep it in your pants until after the ceremony McDreamy!" Christina muttered. "Derek give her the ring and repeat, I Derek take you Meredith to be my wife. To have and to hold, in sickness and health, for richer or know, until one or both of you croak. With this ring you thee wed."

Derek frowned once again at her choice of wording but smiled as he slipped his mother's ring on her finger, it was a perfect fit.

"I Derek, take you Meredith, to be my wife. To have and to hold, in sickness and health, for richer or for poorer, until death do us part. And I promise my love to you, with this ring I wed thee."

"Meredith." Christina said "You too."

"Right." she nodded "Derek, I take you to be my husband. To have and to hold, in sickness and health, for richer or poorer, until death do us part. And I promise my love for you, with this....cherry stem, I wed thee."

They both laughed and Christina rolled her eyes.

"So what now?" Meredith asked.

"So now," Christina said "Now you just stay married and be good to each other and try not to fight. Unless of course it's over surgery and may the better man win." Derek frowned at her "Oh and you can kiss your bride."

Derek smiled and turned, he took Meredith's face in his hands and pulled her lips to his. Hers parted and allowed his soft velvet tongue to slide in smoothly and wash around hers. She moaned softly into the kiss and he released her, gave her another quick kiss and smiled into her eyes.

"I now pronounce you man and wife." Christina said "Doctor and doctor.... Here's your marriage certificate."

Meredith smiled and took it, she read it over and noticed there were names signed on the witness lines, she squinted as she read the shaky scribbles.

"Who are Jared Perkins and Rodney Minnow?" she asked.

"Oh, they're orderlies that I threatened within an inch of their lives if they didn't sign the paper, so they did without looking to see what it was." Christina grinned, Meredith looked disturbed "What? You needed witnesses."

"And now they're probably going to go into the witness protection agency." Meredith said.

"Not my problem they're weak." Christina shrugged. "You're all married now, so I'm going. I have surgeries to steal."

"Thank you Christina." Derek said genuinely. She nodded before skipping off the hill. Derek took Meredith into his arms and pressed his forehead against hers to look into her eyes.

"I love you....wife." he smiled. She giggled.

"I love you too."



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