Prologue - Y/N's POV

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I've been living in Equestria for a long time now

Each new day was an adventure

Me, Twilight and our friends were dealing with lots of enemies, were saving the world for a long time now

It can be shocking for you, but I'm Human-Alicorn hybrid

When appeared in Equestria, it was shock for me, but my happiness knew no limits

I loved My Little Pony: Friendships is Magic since was, hm... 10? 11?


Yes, since I was 12

Me and Twilight were even dealing with Sunset Shimmer and The Dazzlings in the Human version of Equestria

How I got Wings and a Horn - the same reason as with Twilight, when she got her wings, after finished Star Swirl's secret unfinished masterpiece

Yes, I helped with it, especially since I saw what in Season 3 12th and 13th final episode it was all shown

I knew every move, everything about what is coming

I even knew Discord's tricks and unlike Twilight (when had to deal with him for the first time), I decided to return to Ponyville, the library, the Golden Oak

King Sombra... He was a disappointment, need to say, unlike the second time we had to deal with him, when Princesses retired, left

Tirek... Damn, he was very dangerous, powerful, Discord was even helping him back then

Cozy Glow - she was meh

Sunset Shimmer - Hasbro sadly never mentioned it in their movies of Equestria Girls, but her parents... Her past was very sad

As for Dazzlings - they were a problem, that's true, but defeating them was possible

Other enemies of ours - I'm not saying anymore

All I'll say we had to deal also with Daybreaker, King Storm, Chrysalis, Shadow Pony, The Mane-iac, Nightmare Moon, Starlight Glimmer

I wasn't appearing in 3rd, Friendship Games, and 4th, Legend of Everfree, cause I knew, that Sunset and Human versions of our friends and Sci-Twi will be able to deal with problems in there without my and Twilight's help

Not to mention meeting your counterpart is wrong

Anyways, after Twilight became to look a lot like Celestia, Spike became her right hand, and he was handsome for a big dragon, need to say, I knew a future of Equestria will be in right hands, or better say, hooves, for a long time

What happened to me?

I didn't found a girlfriend yet, not to mention wasn't ready even for it

Even if was able to fly and use magic, I still from time to time am practicing

But as we know, something bad always must happen, right?


This something bad actually happened

And it'll be shocking, but I was the only one, who was able to survive

Everything happened so fast....

All I know, is that when I woke up...

I saw a lighthouse

- A lighthouse? - I asked, confused

I turned around and saw a town far away

It was located by the shore and characterized by modern low-rise buildings

- What... What is this place? - I asked - All I know is... - gasp - Twilight! Everypony I knew! Are they... Gone?

I decided to understand - what's going on here

I found out this city I was looking at is called Maretime Bay

Quiet strange name, need to say

But who's living in the lighthouse?

Maybe they can give me more answers?

To be continued...

A/N - Prologue, in my opinion, sucks!

About what I chose (Characters look) - eventually I decided to go with Humanised Characters, must thank Anthonycaudill958 for Equestria Girls versions of Sunny and her friends. But still while I'll be using Equestria Girls style of Characters, the futures will be left with them (wings, horns). For Twilight and her Friends, I'll maybe will let them appear, but only as ghosts. They'll also give answers to Y/N about what happened. For now, we are stopping here. About Sunny and other Characters - will be needed help with their characteristics - clothes, colour

 About Sunny and other Characters - will be needed help with their characteristics - clothes, colour

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Equestria Girls style of Sunny and her friends

My Little Pony: A New Generation x Male Human-Alicorn Hybrid ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now