Chapter 19 (No POV)

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It was nighttime now

So our Heroes stopped for a night

Finding some wood and two rocks wasn't a problem

Bonfire was made with ease by Y/N, who used rocks

- Oh, yeah! - Izzy happily exclaimed - Nailed it!

Sunny giggled

While Zipp and Pipp had smiles on their faces

Hitch wasn't with them, he was sitting, trying to make a bonfire of his own, using a stick

A/N - Which was not best choice of making a bonfire

He growled and mumbled to himself:

- Come on, stupid stick.

Everypony noticed him trying make a bonfire

Zipp asked him:

- You need some backup, Sheriff?

- No! - was his answer - Thank you. I've got it. - continued trying make s bonfire, using a stick - Come on... If only I had a match...

A little bit of fire appeared, which immediately made Hitch happy

- Hah! - but his happiness was not long, as said little bit of fire disappeared, causing him to growl in anger

- Well, that was sad to watch. - Y/N said

- No kidding - Zipp agreed with him, then said to Hitch, who, once again started to suffer, trying to make a bonfire, using a stick - Come on, don't be a hero, dude. Come get warm.

Sunny approached Hitch, as he asked her:

- Are you sure about all this? Because if we just go back to Maretime Bay...

- What have we got to lose? - Sunny asked him

Hitch stopped making a bonfire, stood up and looked at her, saying:

- By giving magic back to our enemies? Uh, let me think. I know - a lot!

- Come on. - Sunny said and looked at Y/N, Izzy, Pipp and Zipp - Do they look like enemies to you?

- My sparkle is aquamarine? - Pipp asked Izzy - That's, like, my sixth favorite color!

Y/N and Zipp rolled their eyes with smiles on their faces

A/N - Y/N may be hate Pipp for all that happened, but he couldn't stay angry forever, plus he believed she and him can find common language, especially after Sunny said about it

Hitch sighed and spoke up:

- I don't know. Maybe I should just go back to Maretime Bay where I'm needed.

- If that's what you want. - Sunny said to him - But you should know I'm actually glad you're here, Hitch. - with that started go to others - We all are

Hitch eventually gave up and joined others

- So I think we should set off at first light. - Sunny said to others - Last stop - Bridlewood. - then she noticed Izzy being sad - What's wrong, Izzy?

- It's just that... - Izzy started - being with you guys has been the best thing that's ever happened to me. I guess... I just don't want our adventure to end.

- But, Izzy, you'll get your magic. - Sunny told her

- It may be right we all will get magic back, Sunny - Y/N said to her - But once it's back, I don't know what to do next. I mean... - sigh - I lost everypony, I'm the last of the previous Generation

- Wait, I remember you mentioning that - Zipp said, looking at Y/N - But you didn't wanted to talk about the past. You only told back then, that until you're ready, you had chances, but never was able to get a girlfriend

- Wait, really? - Hitch asked - Does it means... You actually from the far past? And it means we are the future?

- You could say that - Y/N answered

- Alright, let's leave it for later - Hitch said and asked Izzy - For now I want to know this -why did you come to Maretime Bay?

- I always wanted to visit. - Izzy answered him - When I was little, I found this pretty lantern. - she started to touch her hair, until had a paper, on which a message was made - It had a message inside. It said I had friends in Maretime Bay. - but what surprised Izzy, was Sunny looking at the said message with a smile - It... It was you!

- I made it with my dad. - Sunny took the message from Hitch's hands, after Izzy gave it to him - We always promised each other that someday we would prove that all four of our kind were meant to be friends. We'll do our part. Together.

Hitch felt uneasy now, but spoke up:

- Hey, um... I want to do my part. What have we got to lose, right?

- Hitch, look, I understand, what you mean, but when back when my friends, whole previous Generation was still alive, somepony was saying it, he jinxed it, which means, he/she needed to be quite

- No, I'm serious - Hitch told Y/N - Besides, Magus forest does sound kind of magical

- "Oh boy..." - Y/N said in his head

- But maybe we'll hear your story, how you ended up here, what kind of adventures you had and etc? - Hitch asked Y/N

- I better make a short story out of this - Y/N said - I had lots of adventures with my friends, won't be denying it. But we also had Enemies. Queen of the Moon (Mare in the Moon), The Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony (Discord), who became eventually good, King Storm (MLP: The Movie), Queen of the Changelings (Chrysalis) and many others. Our adventures, there were dangerous kind of them. What about girlfriend - sigh - I had chances, lots of them. But I ended not having at least one girlfriend.... I was an idiot back then... As for how I appeared here, better say not far from Sunny's house... I don't remember quiet well... Everything happened so fast... I hardly could see anything... But all I was able to catch, before losing consciousness, was a figure... For some reason, this figure looked familiar...

- Okay, I guess we understood the rest - Zipp said, stopping him - Have to admit, I can't imagine, what you've had to go through

- ... Now I feel stupid for shutting you up - Pipp felt guilty

- It's okay, Pipp - Y/N told her - Heh, I imagine, if you guys appeared in Human World. It could end up not well for you, that's for sure. Besides, my reaction would've been the same, as all of yours, if you became just a story for little kids or a myth. But what I'll say now, before we'll go to sleep - looked at Sunny - Reuniting Crystals is main objective, won't be denying, but I think it's not just them we need to reunite. It's our kinds, that must become friends, be reunited

- That's... That's actually makes sense - Sunny said, understanding the situation - But how about we first try to reunite the Crystals?

- Well, we can - Y/N answered - But that way chances of bringing Magic back are low

Eventually they fell asleep

To be continued...

A/N - In the future, from now on, there'll be more No POV's. I'll try Y/N's, but other Characters - no for sure. As for the Chapter itself - My arms are in pain, whole Chapter is VERY strange in my eyes, especially it's ending. My fantasy is "KA-BOOM"d

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