Chapter 3 - Y/N's POV

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That Sprout guy...

I hate him already

Talking about me, Twilight and others like we're just never existed!

Ugh, how I want to give him a piece of my own mind by kicking him in the face

But Sunny approached me and asked:

- Look - she looked around her, hoping nopony hears - Y/N, I understand, what you feel, but let's not go violent. Besides, we can give each other answers in my house.

I sighed

- Okay. - I answered her, thought still not happy for what Sprout said - I'll try. But I hate Sprout already

Hitch then asked Sunny to leave, go home, as for me, said, that I can help with the cart with smoothies, and plus to that, enter the building, where the Canterlogic presentation will be happening

I nodded to Sunny and started to go towards the building


Just the name, Canterlogic, reminds me of Canterlot, by it's Canter word


Insides of the building...

It's a whole fabric!

For some reason now, everything, that  is happening here, reminds me of my real world

And it's not just coincidence

It's like I'm in the same Equestria, but not just it's far future, but it's the future, that is made in Equestria's style

As a bonus, it's also reminds me in some ways of the Human Version of Equestria, where Sunset Shimmer lives


Interesting, what happened to her and Human versions of everypony I know?

Or better now say, knew

I stopped in front of both Hitch and Sprout and Hitch with a smile said:

- You know, you, two, I think I finally got through to Sunny.

You wish she gone home, cause I know she didn't

The lights then shut down and we heard a male voice announcing:

- It's the moment you've all been waiting for. - everypony started to gather in front of the scene - As the founder of Canterlogic, she's been keeping us safe and stylish for the last twenty moons. Please go wild for the one and only... Phyllis Cloverleaf!

Mrs. Cloverleaf, once being announced, went on Stage and started speaking:

 - Thank you! Thank you! Oh, hey, how are ya? Thank you so much. We here at Canterlogic are so thrilled to create perfect products that protect Humans Hybrids like you... from Human Hybrids like that! - she pointed at the posters of themselves "being attacked" by Magus and Aerials

A/N - Sorry, it's the best variant I could make. If you know better variants - write in comments

Everypony started to do boo

As for me - I hated to be here already, just saying something like that makes me sick

All my living with Twilight and others, I remember how we were doing

True, there were sad and bad moments, just remembering Discord making everypony (my friends) evil towards each other makes me feel uneasy, but it's in the past now

Sigh... I wish Twilight and others still were with me...

I was doing my very best to ignore everything, even when some Earthlings came out with "protective products" against Magus and Aerials so called Anti-Mind-Reading Hat and Aerial-Periscope Goggles (the last one reminded me of VR headsets from my real world, meaning it's true everything in this future is like in my real world, but Equestria style)

A/N - Again, with the Second one, against Pegasus/Aerials, nothing better could make.

Next was Earthling Balloon Escape Pack

And after this "product" was introduced...

Let's just say the Earthling will be flying for a long time

- Yikes. That's gonna be a lot of paperwork. - Hitch said to us, while I and Sprout were drinking smoothies

Then Mrs. Cloverleaf announced about the "product", which's testing demonstration is fully automated

That's when we saw a robot, yellow version of an Earthling

For me not really surprising, surely in my world it's possible to make these nowadays even

But then Sunny came on the Scene, and was now standing on the place of the "product"

Mrs. Cloverleaf and Hitch gasped, the crowd started to mumble, Sprout was shocked to and his reaction is:

 Cloverleaf and Hitch gasped, the crowd started to mumble, Sprout was shocked to and his reaction is:

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A/N - Imagine they both Humans. Sorry, tried to find a GIF. Was unlucky

She had, even if they fake, wings and a horn

I knew, that this'll be interesting

And normally on my place anypony would say - what can go wrong?

Well... That's when, with Sunny on Stage, the "show" went wrong

To be continued...

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