Chapter 23 (Hitch's POV)

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Me and Sunny returned to Maretime Bay

It was evening

We were approaching the lighthouse

I stopped and with sympathy told Sunny:

 - I'm right here if you need to talk, Sunny. 

After that I started going towards the city

I was planning to check on how Sprout's temporary replacing of me was going

But only I walked inside...

- Oh God... - I said, what I saw was shocking to me, hard to believe

Everywhere was a mess

And Posters of Sprout everywhere

He was like the Emperor on them

- I need to warn Sunny! - I understood and left the building, Sheriff's room

Thankfully, Sunny already was outside, no need to ask, how she got here

- Sunny! - I ran to her 

- Hitch! - she for some reason was happy - Hitch! I figured it out! Remember Y/N's- - but she couldn't finish as we saw fireworks

We saw all Earthlings marching, wearing the technology, that was introduced on presentation

I approached Toots and asked him:

 - Hey, w-wait. What is going on here?

- We can't tell you. - Toots answered - We've signed the Official Sprout Act.

- Official Sprout what? - I asked, confused, looking at Sunny

- "Did Sprout actually decided to go on war with other kinds?" - I asked myself - "I told him not to do that!" 

We saw Sprout, he has changed

We saw Sprout, he has changed

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A/N - But Human

We were surprised, seeing him

- Sprout?! - Sunny and I asked, shocked

Citizens of Maretime— - he couldn't even finish his first words of announcing to citizens, as a banner wide opened, also it's end made contact with him

- Can we -try that again? - Sprout asked, after he got out of the banner, correcting glasses

- Sprout! - I exclaimed, as I and Sunny were now looking directly at him - What are you doing?

- Awwww. Little Sheriff Hitchy came trotting back. - he sounded "happy" - Waaaah. Just in time to see me do what you couldn't - he pointed his glasses and hand at me – attack our enemies!

Once he finished, the microphone made a noise, which caused us three eyes get hurt for quick 2 seconds

- Ugh. - I grunted - Wait, wait, no, Sprout, listen to me. - I started talking to him - Listen to me. The Aerials and Magus, plus Y/N, Human-Alicorn Hybrid, can be our friends. There's no need to be afraid of them. Besides, none of them don't even have any magic.

Mrs. Cloverleaf was surprised to hear it:

- What? - she asked

- No magic? - Sprout asked - Hah! That's even better! - and started laughing - Not to mention that freak of a Hybrid doesn't have it as well! But still how could a myth become reality - is a question

- It's not to us - Sunny told Sprout - Y/N told me, Hitch, and three other friends of ours, who, let me tell you, are a Magier, the girl, who came into city that day and you were afraid of her, and and Aerials, about his past. And we even know who he was friends before us, how Equestria looked like and more. But it's not like you care, judging by how you act. - then looked at all other Earthlings - Besides we can bring magic back! - Sprout stopped laughing, hearing it - Bring friendship back!

- So we don't have to fight? - Sparkle Chaser asked, he was still wearing the headset from the presentation day - he sighed in relief - That's a relief. - and started taking the headset off, others were doing the same, taking off all the technology items from their heads

- W-Wait, what! - Sprout was shocked seeing that - Whoa, whoa, whoa! Don't listen! They've been brainwashed! - excuse me! - You'll all be next if we don't end this now! - Earthlings obeyed -

Sprout then started laughing evilly, as he pressed the button and a giant Robot has appeared in front of us

Sprout then started laughing evilly, as he pressed the button and a giant Robot has appeared in front of us

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A/N - Human-like. Besides, seeing this Robot I started catching Death Egg Robot flashbacks

- Say hello... to Sprouticus Maximus! - Sprout started laughing evilly

- Maybe this is a bit too much, dear! - Mrs. Cloverleaf said to Sprout

Sprout walked inside the Robot and told everypony:

- Troops! On to Bridlewood! - and with that, he turned the Robot on

- We have to warn them others and Y/N! - Sunny told me, I nodded and we started running, as Sprout was right behind us, inside the Robot, laughing evilly

- Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha!

A/N - One-two more Chapters and we're DONE! Be Prepared!

My Little Pony: A New Generation x Male Human-Alicorn Hybrid ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now