Chapter 22 (Y/N's POV)

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We were running

But stopped, once and gasped, well, everypony minus me


We saw bushes rustling

But who came out of them, was...

- Mom?! - Pipp and Zipp asked, surprised and happy to see her (not for long)

- Not even asking, how she was able to escape - I told, while whispering, to Hitch, Sunny and Izzy

- Actually, it's a good question - Hitch agreed with me, whispering - Nopony has Magic, which is, 100%, means it's supposed to be very difficult to escape the prison

- Oh, my darlings! - Queen Haven was happy to see them (right...) - Thank Goodness!

A/N - Changing to Goodness for reasons

- You escaped! - Zipp couldn't believe in the fact their mother is here, with them

- How did you find us? - Pipp asked, wanting to know, how their mother escaped

Then another rustling of bushes was heard

Who was revealed from them, was Cloudpuff, the dog we met back when appeared in the Throne Room of the castle

In his mouth was Hitch's badge

- Aah! - Hitch caught Cloudpuff and noticed his badge - Ah! - he took it from Cloudpuff's mouth - My badge! Yes!

Cloudpuff happily barked

- Oh, I'm so glad I found my little girls. - then she started speaking, like nothing has happened, in her traditional manner - Now, I know that if you just come back with me, we can explain everything. - her daughters weren't having smiles anymore, while my left eye started to twitch - Spin the story, and they'll love us again. R-Right?

I had enough:

- Your majesty, I don't to be rude or anything - I started calmly, but then with anger in my voice asked her - But you're still at it?! You really believe your citizens will easily accept you with fan-made story?! They won't! 

- Stay out of this! - Queen Haven said to me

We heard someone running towards us

It were Alphabittle and some Magus behind him

Hitch gasped, seeing them

- Uh... - Izzy tried to speak, but right words couldn't be found

- Let us explain! - Sunny wanted to explain the situation

But now Aerials appeared, two of them were Guards, who captured me, Izzy and Sunny back then and led us into prison

- There she is! - one of them said, looking directly at Queen Haven - Your Criminal Highness, you're coming with us!

- Aah! - second one noticed Alphabittle and other Magus, exclaimed in fear - Magus!

He threw a tennis ball at Alphabittle

... Alright, that was awkward

- Give me back my crystals and leave Bridlewood! - Alphabittle told us 

Your crystals? - Queen Haven asked, rolling her eyes - That crystal belongs to me! - she was talking about the crystal Sunny offered to Alphabittle, back in teahouse, so she could fight him in Dance Battle

- Not anymore, it doesn't! - Alphabittle told her - I won it fair and square!

Alright, this situation getting out of control

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