Chapter 5 - No POV (Transcript, without Y/N)

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A/N - Decided to go with No POV this time

U... U... Unicorn!


Ooh, is everypony playing hide-and-seek? I see you!

[screams] It's a unicorn![splash!]

Hey, what's going on? [gasps] Unicorn attaaaaaaaack!


[alarm ringing]

This is not a drill! I repeat – this is not! A! Drill! [gasps] A vulnerable young pony! [grunts] Gotcha! Your son is safe now, ma'am

This isn't my kid!

You're welcome! Man the Splat-a-pult! Activate the unicorn trap! Pick up that litter![clanking] [gasps] Wow! Is that the sea? I've never seen the sea![clang!][alarm blares]

I've gotta get you out of here!

[giggles] Earth ponies are serious about games.

They're not playing! They're terrified!

Oh, no! Of what?

You! You're a unicorn! Earth ponies hate unicorns!

Really? That seems a little harsh.[splatting] and 


Let's go![splatting]


[humming] Whee!

[panting, gasps]

Ooh, I haven't seen this one yet.[clang!][alarm blares]


All right, citizens, calm down. The threat has been neutralized. The unicorn has been captured. You may now cheer.


Sunny! What are you doing? Don't even think about it. No, don't you dare. No, no, no, no![beep]


So, your name's Sunny?

[gasp, scream][clanging]

Bye! It was nice to meet you all!

Deputy, to the lighthouse!


Oh, no! I appear to be trapped!

[sighs] You gotta be kidding me...

A/N - This is the Transcript variant, without Y/N in the actual Chapter (Plus, that's exactly how Movie is shown to us). Tomorrow will fix fully.

My Little Pony: A New Generation x Male Human-Alicorn Hybrid ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now