Chapter 2 - Hitch's POV

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A/N - Takes place after Sunny finished the Gonna be my Day Song and started walking towards the giant building, where will be a presentation.

I knew Sunny was coming, so waited for the right moment to appear

And after some time I heard the sound of the rollers

Which meant she's here

I appeared right in front of her, exclaiming with a smile:

- Aha! There you are, Sunny. Just the girl I was expecting.

She didn't sounded surprised and with a smile calmly answered:

- Morning, Sheriff Hitch. - she then looked behind my back - I see you brought the whole squad along again.

Along with her I looked at two birds and a crab

I sighed deeply after one of the birds squeaked as a response, they three did a gesture like came/returned from a war
- I can't tear myself away from these animals. - I told Sunny - I'm like a magnet to them. Guys, come on. Give Hitch a little space. - they did only one step back, making me to groan, I wasn't happy

Then I notice someone coming our way

I asked Sunny:

- And who is this?

She looked at the boy, who, if I'm right by his looks, is 18 years old, then back at me and answered:

- Oh, he? Well... He's new in Maretime Bay. Yeah! Arrived today not long ago

- Yes - the boy said, agreeing with Sunny's words - Name's... Um... Jerald.

- Hitch. - we both shaked our hands

Anyways back to Sunny

- So, what's up? - she asked me

- Oh, please. - I said, unsuprised - Like you don't know. Today is the annual presentation at Canterlogic - I pointed at the poster next to me (my right)

- What's the deal with it? - Jerald asked

And I could understand him asking, he's new, plus probably from far away, where about our cultures nothing known

- Well, Sunny - I looked quickly at Sunny, then back at Jerald - is heading there. And I can't let her in. For good reasons

She rolled her eyes only

-  I know that she'll have come up with some harebrained scheme to sabotage it, and if she thinks I'm just gonna let her walk in there—

- Come on, it can't be that bad, dude - Jerald said - True, I'm new and all, but if Sunny knows about this city better, than any other Earthling, I- - but I couldn't finish, as we heard Sunny passing by, and after she was on, let's say, the other side, she sing-songed:

- Hey, Hitch...

Jerald giggled, while I wasn't surprised and with a serious look on my face said:

- No

- Come on - she said, as we then hear two women passing by

One of them, Mayflower, greeted me:

- Good morning, Sheriff Hitch.
- Morning, Mayflower, Dahlia. - I greeted them with a chuckle, but then looked at Sunny with all seriousness - Sunny, I'm on duty.
But she decided to go with an oath
(A/N - Sorry, best variant I came up with)
groaned and did it with Sunny:

Up high, down low, hitch it to a post! Flip it sunny-side up and on a piece of toast!

After we finished, I asked her with a chuckle:

- Okay?

That's when we three saw Sprout, who was trying to catch a breathe

He was saying next:

- I did what you asked for, Hitch. She never left my side, not even once. As for the new guy, why's he with her?

Jerald then decided to speak:

- Well, I thought Sunny will be good companion to help to understand, what and what is around your city

- Well, the bad choice you did - Sprout said - She's nothing, but trouble maker! Coexistence with Magus and Aerials? Don't make me laugh. And this person, Y/N, Hybrid of Human and Alicorn? He, along with these friends of The Guardians of Friendship are nothing but story tales for little kids! A fiction!

Me and Sunny had a feeling Sprout should've not say that

True, I even believe it's just stories, but what if Jerald believes they're true?

And Sprout just jinxed it?

Sunny decided to talk with Jerald, while I deal with Sprout

- Sprout - I started talk with him - I think you needed to keep your mouth shut. What if Jerald believes in these stories?

- Hitch, wake up! - he answered back - They're NOT real! If this Y/N or any of The Guardians actually existed, I maybe would've believed. But no! I'll go with these stories being fiction, no matter what!

I sighed deeply and asked Sunny to go home and Jerald, if he wants, can go inside, take the cart with smoothies with him as a good helper

Sunny said it's okay and started leaving

I then noticed someone throwing a paper on the ground and exclaimed:

- Hey, hey! That's a violation of Code 33! - and ran after the person, who did it

To be continued...

My Little Pony: A New Generation x Male Human-Alicorn Hybrid ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now