Chapter 8, 9, 10 (Transcript, without Y/N)

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Chapter 8

Hitch Trailblazer: I told her. I told her. No more favors. No more bailing her out. She gave me no choice. No choice! All right. We need to arrest her and bring her back to face the full force of the law.Sprout: Question – when you say "we", you mean...?Hitch Trailblazer: You and I.[splat]Sprout: Uh, I... I'd love to, but, um, I just gotta... clean up my workspace, get my papers in order, and, um...Hitch Trailblazer: You know what? I think you're right. This one's a job for Hitch and Hitch only.[ding!]Sprout: Whew.Hitch Trailblazer: All right. Sprout, you stay here while I'm out dancing with danger. Keep everypony calm, maintain the peace, be a pillar of strength. [sighs] Who am I kidding? Just try not to start a war while I'm gone, okay?[doors close]Sprout: [groans] Everypony loooooves Hitch. What does he have anyway? Sure, he's got a perfect mane, shredded abs, paid-off mortgage... So what?! I've got stuff! I can do, um... things! Like that![clattering and banging]Sprout: And that! And that![knock on door]Sprout: [growls][doors open]Phyllis Cloverleaf: Where's Hitch?! Ponies all over town, they're terrified! They want answers!Sprout: He went after Sunny. Another solo Hitch mission.Phyllis Cloverleaf: Sugarcube, why the Sprout pout? That's great news.Sprout: It is?Phyllis Cloverleaf: Yes! It means that you are the sheriff! At least for now.Sprout: [gasps] I am! Hey there. The name's Sprout. Sheriff Sprout. What's the problem, filly? Don't worry. Sheriff Sprout is here. Pick up that litter! Sheriff Sprout's orders!

Chapter 9

Izzy Moonbow: You know, not to freak you out or anything, but you do know Pegasi can steal your luminescence, right?Sunny Starscout: My lumi-what?Izzy Moonbow: Luminescence. You know, like, your sparkle? Yours is... lavender.Sunny Starscout: Huh?Izzy Moonbow: And the happier you are, the brighter it shines![whoosh][crash]Izzy Moonbow: [gasps][whoosh]Sunny Starscout and Izzy Moonbow: [gasp, yelp][crash]Sunny Starscout and Izzy Moonbow: [scream, panting][whooshing]Sunny Starscout: Hurry! [gasps]Izzy Moonbow: Whoa!Sunny Starscout: [gasps][whooshing]Izzy Moonbow: Whoa!Sunny Starscout: [panting] Aah!Izzy Moonbow: Sunny!Sunny Starscout: [grunts]Sunny Starscout and Izzy Moonbow: [panting, sigh][whoosh]Sunny Starscout and Izzy Moonbow: [scream][whooshing]Sunny Starscout and Izzy Moonbow: [gasp]Sunny Starscout: A real Pegasus...!Zipp Storm: Whoa! A unicorn? And an Earth pony? Together?! Okay, well, this day just got a whole lot more interesting.[metal clanking]Zipp Storm: [gasps]Sunny Starscout and Izzy Moonbow: Huh?Zipp Storm: Don't tell them you saw me!Izzy Moonbow: There's no way we cooooould! We don't even know your naaaaame![beat]Izzy Moonbow: She seems nice.Thunder: [screams, whimpers]Zoom Zephyrwing: Thunder! Get it together!Thunder: But... But that's an Earth pony!Zoom Zephyrwing: They're harmless. They have very tiny brains.Thunder: What do we do about that?!Zoom Zephyrwing: Well, did you bring the shield?Thunder: What shield?Zoom Zephyrwing: Didn't you read the guard guide?Thunder: Yes! ...Okay, no.Zoom Zephyrwing: Ugh, fine! I've got this.

Chapter 10

Izzy Moonbow: That's creative.Sunny Starscout: What's it like to fly? Is your wingspan the same as your height?Thunder: Well, I—Sunny Starscout: Do you need a license to fly? How far can you go?Izzy Moonbow: Can you fly to the moon?Sunny Starscout: Do Pegasi wear horseshoes, or do they just weigh you down?Thunder: Well, I-I do collect sneakers.Zoom Zephyrwing: Hey, hey, hey! Don't answer anything! They could be spies.Sunny Starscout and Izzy Moonbow: [gasp] Wow!Skye Silver: Good morning, Zephyr Heights! It's another beautiful day in the big city. Looks like warm breezes and clear skies for tonight's royal celebration!Izzy Moonbow: Royal celebration?! [laughs] Talk about great timing!Dazzle Feather: Tonight's royal bash for Queen Haven will be stunning, but the real jewel in the crown will be Princess Pipp's performance. Isn't that right, Skye?Skye Silver: [chuckles] Oh, my, yes, Dazzle. And this just in – an exclusive vid from Pipp for all you loyal fans out there in Z.H.Pipp Petals: What is up, everypony? Big shout out to all my fans, the Pippsqueaks!Pippsqueak Fillies: [squealing]Pipp Petals: So, tonight's the night. I can't wait to debut my new song later. It has a very special place in my heart, but not as much as you guys!Pegasi: Awwww...Pegasus Fan: WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH, PIPP!Pipp Petals: Okay, guys, I love you lots. Gotta go. Pipp-Pipp-hooray!Pegasi: Pipp-Pipp-hooray!Izzy Moonbow, Zoom Zephyrwing, and Thunder: Pipp-Pipp-hooray![whirring][ding!][whoosh]Zoom Zephyrwing: Move it!Izzy Moonbow: You betcha.[indistinct chatter]Sunny Starscout: Do you see anypony flying here?Izzy Moonbow: [gasps] They have a castle! [squeals]Izzy Moonbow: Wow!Thunder: Bow before our queen![trumpet fanfare][beat]Izzy Moonbow: [overdramatic] Your Majesty!Cloudpuff: [barking]Sunny Starscout: [gasps][techno music][whooshing]Sunny Starscout: [gasps]Cloudpuff: [barking]Izzy Moonbow: [gasps] Hi, new friend!Queen Haven: Guards, state your business, and please make it quick. We're on a very tight schedule today. Before the celebration, Cloudpuff needs his pedicure, Pipp needs to rehearse, and I need to practice my laugh. [forced laugh] Hmmm. Still not right.Zoom Zephyrwing: Your Highness, we found these intruders in our territory.Queen Haven: [deep gasp] An Earth pony... and a unicorn... in Zephyr Heights?!Zoom Zephyrwing: We have them under control, your Highness.Thunder: Oh, oh, a-and we deployed the shield!Queen Haven: Is this an attack?! On the night of our royal celebration?! Why are you here?! Who sent you?! [gasps] Nopony must know they're here!Pipp Petals: Check it out, Pippsqueaks! Live from the castle... it's a real unicorn and Earth pony!Pegasi: [gasp]Pipp Petals: I know, right? This is so not a filter.Queen Haven: Pipp! There's nothing to fear. Those nasty little ponies have been captured. Your queen will protect you.Pegasi: [sigh]Queen Haven: Shut it off! [sighs]Sunny Starscout: Excuse me, Majesty? Um, we only want to ask you a few questions about magic. We—Queen Haven: Guards! Please escort these ponies to the dungeon until I can question them properly! And confiscate the book!Sunny Starscout: What? N-No, no! But-but, your Majesty, I just wanted to ask you a few questions, please!Izzy Moonbow: Did she just say "dungeons"?Sunny Starscout: [sighs] What else could go wrong today?

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