Chapter 7 - Y/N's POV

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We were able to escape

We stopped and Sunny asked Izzy, still trying to understand:

- You don't have any magic?

- Nope. - she simply answered

- Wait a sec - I tried to use my horn, but nothing was happening

Then tried using my wings

And, as needed to expect, nothing again happened

- Oh, you've got to be kidding me... - I said, it was hard to believe magic truly is gone

- Huw can it be possible - Sunny asked

- Oh, but if it will make you two feel any better, - Izzy started to tell us - we did have it, but that was many, many, many moons ago. - I started to guess these many moons are happened to be before I appeared here - It just – poof – disappeared. Everypony thinks the pesky Aerials had something to do with it, but... - she noticed us having sad looks on our faces - O-Oh. Hey, you look like kinda woozy. Are you okay?

- Nothing. - I said - It's just... It's hard to believe for me, that all kinds are rivals with each other. Plus there's no magic at all.

- And I am on the run with both a Magier and a Human-Alicorn Hybrid. What are we gonna do?

 That's when Izzy... Started sniffing us

- What are you doing? - Sunny asked her

- Don't you know what "privacy" is? - I asked her, with it saying, agreeing with Sunny

- You don't smell. - Izzy told us

... Now that was...

- Thanks. - Sunny said with a smile, then asked, shocked - Wait, what?

- I was told all you Earthlings smell like rotten sardines, but you do not. And you, Y/N - she was telling me - Not only I need to avoid you, but you smell like a chicken pie with a bit of strawberry ice cream. Hmm.

- What else do Magus say about Earthlings and Y/N? - Sunny asked Izzy, who was playing with a butterfly

- Oh, just that you're lazy and not the brightest crystals in the forest. - Izzy answered to Sunny - As for Y/N he's not only just a myth, thought others were telling me to avoid him, if will actually meet him, he's also can do nothing: dancing, drawing, etc. Maybe even had never been having awesome adventures, like come on, he's a loser

- Charming/How cute - both I and Sunny said, unsurprised, our looks on faces were telling "Why am I not surprised?"

- Nope, just those. - Ozzy finished playing with a butterfly - So, what's the plan?

- How about we'll try to find a reason of why magic has disappeared - I said to them

- Y/N, that's great idea! - Sunny with a smile said to me, approached us and took her notebook - Izzy, Y/N, we're going on a quest... to Zephyr Heights. - I was pointing on the Zephyr Heights on the map, which was in my notebook

- The Aerials city? - Izzy asked, surprised

- Yes. - Sunny told her - We need to find out what happened to your and Y/N's magic and bring it back. They possibly have magic. Maybe they can help.

- Um... I'm not sure - I said, looking at Sunny - I mean if I and Izzy don't have magic anymore, how can it be possible, if Aerials have it? No magic - nopony has it, I'm more, than sure in it

- Y/N's actually has a point - Izzy said to Sunny - Plus the Aerials can be bad news, once we'll meet them

- And what if it's not true? - Sunny asked us - Earthlings were wrong about Magus, and maybe Y/N, thought they not seen your true self - she told me - They could welcome us with open wings.

- But what if they don't? - Izzy asked and that's when a song started playing and she started singing:

A/N - Now let's here imagine Y/N is also singing. Which parts - surely in the end they three together. And sometimes after Sunny

Up ahead is a sky growing dark

Where it leads is a big question mark

And I'm scared that I'll end up

A pony gone missing from Pegasus-ing

But you're not alone

You got a pony in your crew

I do? Who?

I'm lookin' out for you

When you're off track

I got your back

You can rely on me

I'm lookin' out for you

Back at home, it was Earth ponies first

Heard it so many times, I could burst

And I fought for a change, but it's lonely

'Cause, you know, party of uno

Well, if you need a friendly steed

Like you-know-who

I think I do

I'm lookin' out for you

I'm lookin' out

When you're off track

When you're off track

I got your back

I got your back

You can rely on me

I'm lookin' out for you

I'm lookin' out

Lost in the hills

Lost in the hills

I got the skills

I got the skills

Pony, let's get goin'

Get goin', get goin'

I'm lookin' oooooout

I'm lookin' out for you

I'll go where you're goin' to

It's all that I want to do

I am lookin' out...

...for you!

After we finished, we were on our way to Aerials city, Zephyr Heights

But I'm very sure, Hitch will go after us

I have a feeling about this

And this is a bad feeling

To be continued...

My Little Pony: A New Generation x Male Human-Alicorn Hybrid ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now