Chapter 21 (Sunny's POV)

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Izzy was pointing at every crystal each second, while saying:

- Crystals! Crystals! Crystals!

- She does know we're just looking for the one, right?

- Meh, I'd like to let her do whatever she wants - Y/N told Zipp - "sigh" She, by how she acts all the time, keeps reminding me of Pinkie... 

- Crystals! - Izzy kept pointing at crystals and saying the same word until we took a good at whole Bridlewood 

While we we going forward, we were noticing, that not only Magus truly have no Magic, but also that they all look sad

Apples were falling at Granny Magier  

And she was staying still, saying "Ow"

Two Magus said "Hey" with same expression on their faces, as Granny before, while children were "playing"

With same look on their faces, as any other Magier

- Well, this is... cheerful. - Hitch said, looking at surroundings

- Well, what you expected? -Y/N asked him - That the answers on all questions will come to you on plate?

- These other Magus seem so different from you. - I said to Izzy

- Yeah, I get that a lot. - she answered with the smile - My sparkle is a bit too sparkly for Bridlewood.

- How can we tell which ones are magic? - Hitch asked, after taking a look at one of crystals

But then two Magus kids caught our attention:

We were looking at kids and Zipp was the first one to speak:

- Ooooookay... I'm gonna need some context. - she said, looking at Izzy, me and others too

- Magus are very superstitious. - Izzy told us, whispering - If anypony ever says a forbidden word, we have to do a ritual to ward off the jinxies.

- Jinxies? - Pipp asked, confused

- Bad luck. - was Izzy's answer

- Forbidden words? - Hitch was also confused

- "Magic", "wing", "feather"... - Izzy then remembered another one - Oh, and "mayonnaise".

- Excuse me, what's wrong with i- - Y/N started, but Izzy shut him up with her left hand

- Must agree - Hitch said - What's wrong with may—? - but Izzy did the same as with Y/N, shutting him up

Not to mention one Magus was passing by

Some seconds later, Izzy let Hitch catch a breath (she let Y/N catch it after same some seconds)

- Come on! - Izzy was going forward, telling us to follow her - There's something I want to show you.

- The Crystal Tea Room? - I asked, as we were approaching a building

- The Crystal Tea Room? - I asked, as we were approaching a building

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