Chapter 5 - No POV

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A/N - Decided to go with No POV this time

- M... M... Magier! - Sunny was shocked, but was able to say with a smile

Y/N was surprised, but was smiling too, seeing a Magier

Earthlings started running away

Some were trying to hide

- Ooh, is everypony playing hide-and-seek? - Izzy asked, seeing Earthlings running/hiding, then saw one hiding behind the smoothie shop - I see you!

But all Earthling, was screamed and exclaimed, before jumping into the sea:

- It's a Magier!

Y/N then noticed Hitch and Sprout coming out from the Sheriff Office

- "I don't like this" - he thought - "Since Earthlings trying to avoid and are afraid of Magus and Aerials along with me, being Human-Alicorn Hybrid..."

- Hey, what's going on? - Hitch asked, but once saw Izzy, gasped and exclaimed - Magus attaaaaaaaack!

Y/N facepalmed

- "Goddamn it..." - he said in his head - "Need to get Izzy from the city"

Sprout yelled, but kissed the door in the end

Hitch clicked on the button and Alarm started to ring

- This is not a drill! - Hitch was telling everypony - I repeat – this is not! A! Drill! - he then started to run and noticed a child, who was doing nothing, being afraid - A vulnerable young Earthling! - he picked him up and was now standing in front of mother, who was confused - Gotcha! Your son is safe now, ma'am - after Hitch gave her a child, she said to him:

- This isn't my kid!

- You're welcome! - Hitch ignored her words and continued his "job", in Y/N's (Jerald's) eyes - Activate the Splat-a-pult! Activate the Magus trap! Pick up that litter!

Sunny and Y/N knew, that they can't stay here anymore

They noticed Izzy asking, while she was approaching a sea (obviously, she wanted to take a better look at it), but also noticed a Magus trap, and Izzy almost made contact with it:

- Wow! Is that the sea? I've never seen the sea!

Thankfully Y/N saved her and Sunny told her:

- We must get you out of here!

- She's right - Y/N agreed - We can't stay here any longer

They started running

- Earth ponies are serious about games. - Izzy was following both, giggling

- They're not playing! - Sunny said to her - They're terrified!

- Oh, no! - Izzy sad back, then asked - Of what?

- You! - Y/N answered - For some reasons Earthling are afraid of other races, and since you're a Magier, they trying to catch you, they think you're nothing, but an enemy in their eyes

- Really? - Izzy asked - That seems a little harsh.

They three tried their best to avoid contact with a slime, which was flying at them from the a Splat-a-pults

In some way, they were able to escape

But then Izzy noticed a cinema, that came out

- Ooh, I haven't seen this one yet. 

But once she finished, she was caught in the trap

A/N - Take a Note - Since in the Movie Traps are Pony-size, then here it's Human-size Traps

Both Sunny and Y/N gasped and ran to the trap

- All right, citizens, calm down. - Hitch told everypony - The threat has been neutralized. The Magier has been captured. You may now cheer.

Earthlings started to cheer

Y/N had enough and started approaching the trap, or better say the place of it, where the button was clearly seen

- Jerald! - Hitch asked Y/N, still not understanding, who he truly is and what's his real name - What are you doing? - Y/N was still approaching the button - Don't even think about it. No, don't you dare.

- Click on it! - Sunny told him

- Sure, Sunny - Y/N answered

- No, no, no, no! - Y/N clicked on the button and freed Izzy

- Jerald, Sunny! - Hitch said their names, also couldn't believe in what just happened

- So, your name's Sunny and Jerald? - Izzy asked both

Earthlings started panicking again and running

Some even were caught into traps 

Sunny grabbed Izzy's hand and with Y/N right behind them, started running from the city

- Bye! - Izzy said to Hitch - It was nice to meet you all!

- Deputy, to the lighthouse! - Hitch told Sprout and was pointing his hand at the exit from the city

- Uh... - all Sprout did, stepped onto the trap and it trapped him inside - Oh, no! I appear to be trapped!

Hitch deeply sighed and said:

- You gotta be kidding me...

To be continued...

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