Prologue ♡

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Is love all we need ?

Love is a sudden mysterious feeling , comes at the wrong time and often with the wrong person too , because once your heart beats for someone ; the logic disappears

In a brief it makes the best carrier- planer ; blind and lost . It's a war or mixture of all strange feelings inside you , at the time of peace that you claim ...

For example, if you liked someone that means that you've surrendered so you would believe anything that he would say and then you are in a big trouble .

But it is our hope , we can find ourselves because of it or we may lose ourselves because of it , as Cao Xueqin said in his novel "The Dream of the Red Room", in which Jia Rui will love Shi Feng

Love is the feeling that you're are alive and as if someone stole your soul away from your body . It makes us hurt and reach the bottom, and it's the way to keep us flying high ..

But remember that it's like everything in life , you have to give as you take .
Overall love is confusing because at a certain time , you have to give up and sacrifice by your love or to your love it depends .

And also remember that when you love someone so hard , everything that you do to him is because you are interested in him . And not because you're waiting for something in return

You must be brave and take responsibility at the time when you thought that the only way is to surrender and escape

Love , as they say is a continuous warm energy of giving , it's what gives spring harmony . It's a strange feeling , but at the same time very familiar
It is the feeling that sometimes you think it doesn't exist in you , but actually you were made of it ..


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Note that the story isn't for children and It will contain insults , scenes that may not be appropriate for some readers

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