Chapter fourteen

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"Which movie did you choose ?"

"I'm still thinking .."

"What you're too slow! The popcorn is ready"

"Ok , how about Luca, Oliver wants to watch it, then we'll watch Roman Holiday ?"

"Seems perfect "

"Mommy i wanna watch the two movies with you"

"No way , you won't skip your bedtime again today "

"Okay mommy" He said with pout , he was so cute but that won't convince her

"Don't use your cuteness to convince me, you've already watched the tv in the morning"

"Fair enough .. can I at least drink soda like you ?"

"You know the answer baby ,you needn't ask. I prepared you a cup of milk with extra chocolate"

"Thanks Mommy.." He was disappointed but she taught him to always be grateful to the things around him

Andrei was watching his small lovely family, knowing that he didn't feel such happiness before

Rain felt his gaze so she asked him what's wrong but before he answers, Oliver jumped between them on the sofa drinking his milk and watching his movie with interest

3 hours later, Oliver was already sleeping in his bed, while Rain and Andrei were cuddling under the blanket watching her favourite movie

Then comes one of her best scenes
"I don't know how to say goodbye"

"Then don't try"

"She didn't have to leave !" Rain said while crying a bit

"Well life isn't always what one likes,
is it ?" Andrei said quoted his line form the movie while changing his voice a bit to sound more like gregory peck ,
while wiping her tears away , that made her smile

"How about you, Are you leaving too?"

"I'll stay forever Rain .." with that he captured her lips in his kissing her deeply with love

After spending the night together, she woke up in the morning to see a note next her

The breakfast is ready downstairs ..
I'm sorry that I had to leave , although
I wanted the first thing to sleep while looking at tomorrow, would be you.But I've a thing to finish in work
I'll call you , take care of yourself and our little child
P.s I Love you Rain

She read his note and her blush formed on her cheeks instantly, then pouted a bit knowing he wouldn't return today or even tomorrow

But as he promised her they talked every day . He kept calling her before sleeping; talking about their days and random things for hours till they fall asleep

3 weeks later she returned to her work, same shifts but not skipping lunch anymore . As Andrei noticed it and sent her lunch everyday from one of his fancy restaurants

"I missed you" Raid said to him on the phone it's been 3 whole weeks since they last met

"I missed you too babe, I missed your smile, your hazel eyes and your touch.." he said

And she felt hot breath on her back sending shivers all over her body
She turned around fast facing him, and hugged him instantly, they held each other not talking for a couple of minutes

She felt safe within his arms, and he felt love and care for first time, no-one actually cared for him after his mother. that he lost his hope in finding someone who really love him and not for his money or his name , but here she comes. Breaking all of his expectation and making him fall for her

"Do you have time for dinner ?"

"Yes , I just finished my work , give me 10 minutes and I'll be ready to leave" She said happily then went to the changing room

"Rain here you're I've been looking for you for about an hour !" Noah said

"What's the matter? Did something happen to the patients?"

"No no i just want to ask you if you're free today maybe we can..."

"Oh I'm so sorry Noah, I already have something today"

"It's okay then, maybe next time?"

"I can't promise you" She said and hurried to changing room to change her outfit, apply simple makeup and took the tie out of her hair making it slips down her shoulder

"Hey .. Did i make you wait for too long ?"

"You always worth my time waiting" He told her while giving her a small kiss on her cheeks then opened the car door for her

"So where are we going ?"


"Ok ! I like your suspense, but can we stop by my apartment to check on oliver and change my clothes to more proper ones "

"I already arranged both things"

"Haa ?"

"Just relax and enjoy the ride , do you prefer classical music or . . ?"

"Sinatra would be good choice for this weather" She smiled to him and he smiled back driving all the way to his villa


Heyyy ! I guess it's been a long time

So here is a new chapter actually last one in this year

Hope you like it ♡♡

Hope you like it ♡♡

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Merry Christmas &

Happy New Year new ✨✨

Hope you all achieve what you wish for this year ♡♡

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