Chapter ten

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✨Commuovere .. To be moved in a heartwarming way, usually relating to a story that moved you to tears✨

"Oliver ! told you not to sit on the table, come and help me to chop the fruits and yeah which one do you prefer dried fruits in English cake or fresh ones on the top as a decoration ?"

"Decoration !!"  He said with excitement

"Okay my little prince .. can you try this one for me and tell me if it tastes good ?" Rain said giving him his favourite food which was the pineapple tart that she made earlier

"Mmmm yummy" Oliver nodded his eyes with delight , Rain just couldn't hold her love on seeing him nodding with too much cuteness and gave him a warm hug

"Glad you loved it , The food will be ready in about 40 mins , we've to be ready before that because we're expecting a guest ..."

"Who's coming ?" Oliver asked with curiosity and a bit jealously .. he was fuming with jealously because Rain cooked for someone else and also she's taking a lot of time to be ready for him

"It's a surprise .. now can you help me to pick up an outfit ?"


"Thank you my beautiful boy"


"Noah what should i get to them ? Should I just buy flowers and a toy for Oliver ? But i don't know what will they prefer or even if she has an allergy from flowers or not !?"

"Just buy the basics, you can get her a box of mixed chocolates you know every woman just craves for chocolate specially that time of the month and for Oliver , man you're his father he carries the same genes you'll manage it"

"That really helped me !"

"You're welcome boss"

"It was a sarcasm this was the shitest thing I've ever heard . Just go and bring me the suit"

"You already decided on going classic ?"

"Should I choose something casual !?"

"Don't know .. Do you have an idea on what she's going to wear ?"

"Of course not .. this is really confusing"


"Mum do you want me to choose something casual ?"

"I don't know. What do you think should i wear ?"

"This one" He pointed at a simple white dress with puff sleeves
And for oliver he chose the outfit for himself of a beige salopette one of his favourites

"This one" He pointed at a simple white dress with puff sleeves And for oliver he chose the outfit for himself of a beige salopette one of his favourites

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The alarm she sat for the food was ringing telling her that the food was ready , She went to take it out of the oven but the hot plate touched her skin

"Mommy watch out !"

"It's nothing baby I'll just wash it with cold water" Rain said while washing it but she flinched from the sudden impact of the water on her skin , she was in a huge pain but she didn't want to make her child worried

"Don't worry I'm okay, but be careful when you're using fire , just don't be careless like me .... the door is ringing can you open for our guest ?"

When Oliver shook her head , she knew something is wrong, usually Oliver becomes so excited to meet new people

"I'm okay Oliver I'll just dry and apply some cream on it . Can you open for him now , please baby it's so unrespectable"

He didn't talk to her , he's still angry about the guest thing .. when Oliver opened the door he couldn't believe what he saw, it looks like he met an older version of himself

A very handsome man around his 30s , 6.4ft wearing a grey trench coat that suits his eyes perfectly, he held in both of his hands presents

Once this guest saw Oliver , he gave him a generous smile showing him his shinning teeth and his dimples

Oliver smiled back to him with his twin dimples as well ,

"I brought you something, I hope you like it"

"Thanks .. sir"

It hurt Andrei to hear his son calling him like that but then he managed to make Oliver call him by his name

"Merci beaucoup, Andrei" Oliver said with accent that made Andrei himself amazed by his son

Thanks for reading 🖤

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