Chapter nine

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✨ Luftmensch .. An impractical dreamer, literally an air person, someone with her head in the clouds✨

Rain told her friend everything about Andrei and made sure she won't tell anyone about him like he told her, she spent a lot of nights thinking about him

She knows that Oliver will need a father, and she can't be selfish and keep him away so she finally decided to give him a chance and call him


"Noah , she still didn't call me , I've waited for two days !!"

"Calm down, she'll call you eventually, she knows that Oliver needs you"

"You think so ?.. Are you sure you made my phone number easily to be found ?"

"Boss you're the one who put the number"

"Right .. so why didn't she call me yet, it's this the third day !"

"I've never seen you so nervous before .."

"I can't stop thinking about her"

Andrei was attracted to Rain like butterflies when they fly around a fire , knowing it's too dangerous but still it's their only hope

He left his friend to continue his work
But just when he opened his laptop, his phone rang

"Andrei, your phone is ringing"

"I don't want to talk to anyone"

"It's her"

"F*ck you Noah why didn't you say this earlier. Give me the phone"

Noah smirked to Andrei enjoying teasing his boss , then left him alone

"You finally called me !"

"Y-yes. I thought about it a lot but finally made my decision.."

Andrei's heart was beating so hard, he didn't know why is he acting like a child but being with her makes him forget everything about his prestige

"I want to give you a chance, but it's for Oliver's sake of course"

"Yeah sure it's for Oliver"

Rain didn't want to sound hurt by his words because deep inside her even when she's ignoring her heartbeats ..
she actually wanted to give him a chance for their relationship

"Mmmm are you free for a dinner today ?"

Andrei couldn't believe what he was hearing from her . Did she just ask him for a date !

"I-It's not a date , it's just for us and Oliver ; to know each other more"

He felt a bit disappointed but he knows that he already has an effect on her

"I'd love to but you know my situation , i can't show my face to the public"

"I-I k-Know that's why I'm inviting you to my and Ophilia's home .. It's a simple dinner, at 7pm . Is it suitable to you ?"

"Yeah .. 7pm it's perfect for me"

"Okay great then, see you" With that she ended the call nervously but she was happy that she was going to see him again

The whole dinner thing was recommended by her friend for sure, as Rain couldn't take the first steps by her own. Lia told her that she was going on another job journey for a week

So inviting Andrei now is perfect timing to make him spend time with Oliver . That's what Lia told Rain to convince her , but deep inside her she wanted him to spend more time with Rain

When Rain was preparing all the needed ingredients for today's dinner, Oliver came showing her his new invention of how to make the phone battery lasts for more days, he was going to tell her all the details and mathematical relations he did

But when he saw was his mother making the dinner of a baked golden rooster with the creamy mashed potatoes, and for the dessert , She was making a cake with the white chocolate and fruits he loves .. He soon changed his mind and decided to help her as a taster , his favourite job , So he jumped and sat on the table observing her

Raid didn't usually make them the food because of her work so it's either Lia that bakes and makes the food or they just order takeaway food but only the healthy one that is usually tasteless which is more like hospital's food

Oliver knew that this was a special occasion, or that is just Rain making it up for him .. But anyways he was happy to stay with her in the kitchen, while she is cooking and pampering him with kisses


Thanks for reading 🖤🐼

Although it's a short chapter but I really stayed up for more hours to write it .. So I hope you enjoyed reading it

This is just a comic I found that expresses my situation now 😅

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This is just a comic I found that expresses my situation now 😅

Anyways as usual don't forget to send me your feedbacks, comments and vote if you liked this chapter

Stay safe 🤍🤍

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