Chapter one

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Trouvaille .. something lovely discovered by chance; a windfall ✨

The young boy finally had faith in himself, and decided to do it with the confidence of a 4 year old kid in a batman t-shirt .. he realised that chances come only once in life, although he had always feared being in love , all of his thoughts disappeared when he heard her saying that she loves autumn and since that day he had been falling , so he wore the best clothes he found in his cupboard , getting ready to meet her like they used to at the library ......

"Rain , the breakfast is ready come here and set the table, just because you're on vacation doesn't mean that you won't help me !"

"I haven't even complained yet "

"But you'll very soon , i know you well my daughter "

"Fine I'm Coming " With that Rain clicked on the save button to complete her story later

"Have you decided on which department you wanna specialise at ?"

"I'm still thinking "

"Rain you're the top student now , and it's your last year . I don't want you to distract yourself by writing . You only have to focus on your career and your studies "

"Then just bring lots of money and make you proud then you'd find the perfect husband for me to settle down and of course you'd like to see your grandchildren before my 30s . Right mom?"

"Aghhh I just want the best for you "

"Yes yes i know , so where's dad ?"

"He went on a business trip "

"Again ?!"

"Everyone has to work "

"And what about living ? You just work to get money, pay pills then work again but honestly you pay your age and time not only the money"

"Yes my little philosopher that's life now go and complete your study "

Rain is like most of the humans , wanted her freedom more like the heroes she writes about them , of course she loves her family but also wanted to make her decisions by her own , to decide how her life would be in the next 10 years .. it's her life so only her had the right to decide her future

The next day while she was scrolling on her website, she found that she got accepted in the world's writing competition that will be held in the US within 3 days . She knows very well that her mother wouldn't accept the idea of travelling to join a writing competition but she also knows that chances come once in life , So she finally decided to capture the moment and enjoy her life by her own style

She knows that her mother may hate her for that but if she didn't do it , she will hate herself and regret everyday .

She packed her bags secretly and called a friend of hers that lives in America , and started her journey alone in the early morning , after leaving a letter to her mother , hoping she'd understand her ..

"To sacramento , please" After a long journey by the plane, she told the chauffeur , giving him the address exactly like her friend ophilia told her

And after about an hour she reached her destination

"Rain i missed you girl so much !!" Lia came to hug her , she had been always her best friend even when she left Switzerland and went to U.S , they didn't lose connection

"Your hair still looks fiery at sunlight, you're so lucky !!"

"Lia it looks strange and awful"

"You're kidding me !? You've always been the most beautiful girl in our school, remember Noah ? He had a big crush on you "

"That's not true , he always said that my hair looks scary "

"Cuz he's stupid at showing his feelings but that doesn't deny that he loved you , anyways let me help you with the bags , we have a long day and we have to enjoy every second of your stay time here !"

"I didn't come to have fun "

"Rain you're still the same , the point is that you don't know how to have fun"

"That's not true !"

"Well prove I'm wrong? I booked us tickets for a party in the most famous club in L.A and ... "

"No no I'm not going, it's far and fall of weird people !"

"We are going my friend , you know how hard it was to book the tickets ?! and you do realise that the journey from sacramento to L.A is just an hour and half and that's far from a long distance for sure "

"But .."

"No i don't accept no as an answer .. so let's take rest for today and prepare our clothes for tomorrow !!" She said excited voice


"Mr. Andrei we have a problem in the company, they ask to meet you personally and ..."

"I'm coming , meet me in the meeting room now"

"Yes sir " The secretary answered with fear while Andrei threw the phone in his suit's inner pocket with anger

"So they want to meet in their land ?" Andrei asked furiously

"Un-unfortunately yes sir"

"No problem but we're meeting at my place , secure our L.A casino and book tomorrow's trip for me .. and Elijah i want the papers on my desk"

Andrei went straight to his office , took off his suit jacket and rolled his shirt up .. he wanted to focus on his plan but the phone ringing didn't give him the peace he wanted


Thanks for reading 💚🥑

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