Chapter seventeen

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Oliver: Mom, why do the best people die?
Rain:When you're in a garden, which flowers do you pick?
Oliver: The most beautiful ones.

"Rain ? Why are you here !" Her father asked in a disbelief, it was only five years but he looked much older , sadness was weighing heavily on his the face . His eyes seemed like he was crying too

Their relationship wasn't the best, she didn't see him much because of his work and even when he came home he always looked stressed and tired and didn't start a conversation . All he did was eating in peace then went to sleep for his early job tomorrow , She can't remember any common topics between them .

She can't remember anything he did for her except for paying their bills and supporting her mother's decision to study medicine .
He has always been a stranger to her but now for the first time, he held her in a warm hug showing her parental care for the first time

His grief was in his voice all the time
he couldn't hide it although he did his best to

He told her that he worked for extra time because he thought this was the right way to help his family by money but he was wrong . He forgot the reason of his work and meaning of having good times with the family

He regretted it because when the money was increasing and his ranking was getting higher .He couldn't find anyone near him to

He realised everything was when she left, They knew what they did wrong but still waited for her to call them once .

Deep inside her she waited them to
call her too and ask how the things
are going. She wanted to feel like they cared and her disappearance made a difference. She wanted to talk to her mother every night telling her about her day and how oliver is growing up. She wanted to share her child's moments with his grandparents
She wanted to feel the warm of a real family and wanted her son to feel the same but she was afraid they won't forgive her

How irony was the fate , making both
of them wants to talk but fear of rejection was controlling them

"Don't be like us my daughter and talk to her , I guess you already know her situation. The only thing she wished for is to see you once again"

Rain was listening to his words but that didn't comfort her , it only made the burning inside her heart ache more

She opened the door number 1067 and headed inside

"J'ai été trop longtemps sans te voir." Rain said

"Je ne pensais pas pouvoir rester si longtemps sans te voir. Tu me manques. Hey baby don't cry I'm fine!"

"You're not ma mère"

"I am just don't cry everything is going to be fine"

"Mom .." Rain tried to say anything but words couldn't help her , her mother took her in another warm hug this day and started to stroke her hair like when she was just a kid in primary school

"I see you've grown up perfectly " Eve (her mother) said

"I-I'm sorry , I shouldn't have ran
away.. I .."

"You're just so brave Rain that you followed your heart , I'm proud of you . So don't apologise. But how are you here ? How did you know that.."

"I continued my studies to be a doctor." This was shocking to her mother she didn't understand why , if she was so passionate about writing from the beginning why would she just do a thing that she escaped from

"What happened Rain ? Are you okay my love , where did you stay all this time ?"

"I'm fine.. I stayed with ophilia, you remember her? She was my childhood friend that travelled to U.S in High school .. I actually have a baby now he looks just like you . H-He has your smile"

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