Chapter thirteen

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"We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us ."

She woke up the next morning not finding him by her side , She thought he left her just like she did before

She didn't know what to do, his talk yesterday made her trust him again that she even opened up to him !

She took the rope that was laying on the floor, and went to take a quick shower .

When she finished putting on her outfit, she heard a noise coming from downstairs and her son's giggles

She was confused, Lia said she'd come next week or maybe after two weeks , then who was downstairs

Whenever she comes closer to the sound, a delicious smell of food becomes more obvious to be smelled

She finally realised that the sound was coming from the kitchen just like the smell of bacon and eggs

"Morning, sleeping princess"

"Mommy !!.. you finally woke up , Andrei and I made you breakfast and
I told him that you love coffee, so he made a one for you with extra milk because it's not healthy to drink a lot of caffeine in the morning . He's super amazing , right mommy ?"

"Oui .." She said to her son , then Oliver left them alone saying that he already had his breakfast and it's time for him to watch some tv , his morning show was about spider-man facing the bad-man

Oliver was really smart, almost a genius but still he was a kid who loves cartoon just like the others, and Rain was glad to this point, that he'll live a normal childhood

"Y-you didn't leave .." Rain said and took a deep breath calming herself

"How could I leave you ?" He said and approached to her holding her by her waist and captured her soft lips passionately

"Come on the breakfast is getting cold" He broke their kiss talking about that she shouldn't drink a lot of caffeine like Oliver said ...

She was a bit disappointed that he cut the kiss but his concern about her health made her feel butterflies in her stomach

They finally decided to tell Oliver about Andrei when his morning show ends .
Oliver as a smart kid he already expected it but knowing that his wish became true, made tears form in his eyes from happiness

Rain suggested taking him for a picnic as she took some days off for Oliver, but Oliver wanted to go with both of them together . Andrei still didn't want his news to be published now , because this will ruin his plan . But he was good at camouflaging . And by 4pm all the things were ready for their little picnic outdoors


Thanks for reading ☁️🤍☁️

I'm going to take a break from writing . Because of my study and as I kinda lost my passion in completing the story now as it's really under-rated, but don't worry I'll continue it, it's just about time

Thanks for the few people who supported me while writing , I really appreciate your feedbacks

And I hope that my writings made you happy for a while or at least made you smile, as It's really enough for me to continue it . The feeling that I don't spend hours thinking and writing for nothing is enough

Stay safe ☁️🤍☁️

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