Chapter eleven

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The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they are felt with the heart.✨
-The Little Prince

Andrei thought that something was wrong, that made Oliver open him the door instead of Rain
"Do you know where's Rain ?"

"Mommy is applying some cream on her burns"

"What burns?" Andrei asked in anger and worry

"I'm sorry for being late Andrei, just consider yourself at home, Oliver can you help me at setting up the table since you're an artist ..." Rain's voice interrupted their talk

He looked up at her, he didn't know if it was her dress or her voice or her the whole appearance that made him lost in her .. He looked at her hands to find her left hand wrapped in some medical sheets

 He looked at her hands to find her left hand wrapped in some medical sheets

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Her dress ..

"Wait ! What happened to your hand ?"

"N-nothing just a small burn "

"Let me help you"

"No no you're my guest, you can't .."

"Just tell me where's the kitchen"

He felt for the first time that he has a real family. And he started to imagine their small family ageing together and getting bigger one day ,

After they had their dinner, Andrei went to play with Oliver, he realised that Oliver is just like him he left the cars to play with puzzles as he finds car racing a boring thing . A play or the game for him is when thinks and uses his mind mostly in mathematics

Oliver always felt himself strange from the other kids but when he's with Andrei he felt comfortable to find someone like him and related to him . Andrei could understand his son perfectly it looks like he's looking at himself in the childhood

Rain left them together to know each other, and went to bring the dessert

Time skip

The clock was now 11 o'clock, Oliver already missed his bed time to play and talk for more hours with Andrei .. but Rain thought it's late enough, she doesn't want him to stay up for too late

She excused Andrei to take Oliver to bed, but Oliver refused going at first because he wanted to play with Andrei more, but somehow Andrei managed to persuade him and also suggested carrying him to bed since he was already sleepy

After they put him on bed together, Oliver asked Rain to tell him a story like usual. So she picked up "Le petit Prince" his favourite Book and she started reading him some parts from it

"Les grandes personnes aiment les chiffres. Quand vous leur parlez d'un nouvel ami, elles ne vous questionnent jamais sur l'essentiel. Elles ne vous disent jamais: "Quel est le son de sa voix? Quels sont les jeux qu'il préfère? Est-ce qu'il collectionne les papillons?" Elles vous demandent: Quel âge a-t-il? Combien a-t-il de frères? Combien gagne son père?" alors seulement elles croient le connaître. Si vous dites aux grandes personnes: "J'ai vu une belle maison en briques roses, avec des géraniums aux fenêtres et des colombes sur le toit..." elles ne parviennent pas à s'imaginer cette maison. Il faut leur dire: "J'ai vu une maison de cent mille francs." Alors elles s'écrient: "Comme c'est joli !".

Translation :
Grown-ups are like numbers ,when you tell them about a new friend,
they never ask questions that really matters . They never ask:
What does his voice sound like? or What games does he like best?.. Does he collect butterflies?.. But They ask: How old is he? or How many brothers does he have? or How much does he weigh? or How much money does he have? Only then they think they know him
If you tell grown-ups that 'I saw a beautiful red brick house, with geraniums at the windows and doves
at the roof…' They won’t be able to imagine such a house. You have to tell them, 'I saw a house worth a thousand francs .' Then they exclaim, What a pretty house ! 

"The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they are felt with the heart,Oliver. You only see things beautifully when your inside is beautiful too" Rain said at the end

"Tu es la plus belle mommy" Oliver for the first time felt the family's warm, he wished that Andrei was his real father and that he'd stay with them for more days. He knows that he'll leave in the morning but Oliver already made his plans to make him stay

"Beaux rêves" Rain said and kissed him on his cheeks


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