Chapter three

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✨ Metanoia .. The journey of changing one’s mind, heart, self, or way of life; Spiritual conversation ✨

Rain woke up the next day with a strong headache , she started to move but felt a strange feeling between her legs making it harder to move , she looked around her and found a man sleeping next to her with a naked chest

A few seconds later she realised the situation she is in , she couldn't remember anything from yesterday but she knows that it was just a one-night stand for him

If she told him that she was virgin , he wouldn't even believe her , maybe he already thought of her as a bit*h . She didn't care now all she cared about is how to get out of here soon before he even kick her out .. she collected her things as fast as she could and took the first taxi in front of her to head to her friend's home

About 2 hours later , she reached to lia's house and opened the door with her keys , Just when she entered, lia came to her shocked

"Rain ! What's wrong with you ? Why did you leave without me ? You know how worried i was !! I don't know how the bartender just let you go with some random guy ! But how did you get drunk at first place ? Did he make you drink it ?..  Rain are you okay ?"

"I'm fine. I just want to rest"

"I'm sorry but i have to ask , did you ...?"

"I don't know, but properly yes, I can't remember .. Now let go of my hand "

"Is my little friend finally grew up! so is he handsome ? Did you take his phone number ? "

"No ! I don't even know his name"

"What !! Rain what the ...."

"Talk later I'm going to bed now"

Days and soon weeks passed , and still Rain couldn't stop thinking about that night . Her dream competition didn't come out as she thought, although she won the third place, she got nothing but a medal in return

One day while she was packing her bags back to Switzerland , she got another nausea but this one ended up with vomiting

"Rain are you okay? Did you catch a cold ?"

"I'm fine" Rain said with a faint voice

"Still we've to go to a doctor , you're tired for a week now and now with another serious symptom , vomiting ! We've to make sure you're okay"

"I'm okay really, and I'm a doctor remember ?"

"Still i .."

"Lia I'm really fine now I have to pack the bags "

"Let me at least help you , although I don't want you to leave"

"Okay there're not much left "

Lia was helping her friend till suddenly rain rushed up to the bathroom , the third time that day

"Rain it's serious .. if you're sure you're fine, how about it's another thing ?"

"What do you mean ?"

"It's been a month since our visit to L.A
When did it last came to you ?"

"Wait you can't be serious I'm not pregnant !.."

"You can't be so sure , you're absolutely weren't on pills , did he use condom ?"

"What are you talking about , I don't know !"

"I've a spare pregnancy test , wait"

Two lines means positive , of course she knew it but still couldn't believe what she's seeing

Lia knocked on the bathroom and rain finally came out

"So what did you do ?"

"It's positive .."

They stayed silent for a couple of minutes then lia finally said

"Should we search for his dad ?"

"We won't find him , and even if we did
probably he wouldn't want to raise a baby "

"And you ? You want the baby i know
a doctor here who can .."

"Just shut the fu*k up ! I won't kill a soul . It's my baby you're talking about"

"I'm sorry I didn't mean it .. Are you gonna tell your family ?"

"They are so religious about having sex before wedding , now I'm gonna simply
tell them that they became grandparents and I don't even know who's his dad ?! They wouldn't accept him . No I'm not gonna tell them"

"Okay calm down let's just think about it , and how our lives would change ..
to better or to worse I'm with you rain, I've a new job opportunity in a hotel in New york , I know a one who can find you a job in a hospital there , with your CV you can get a proper job .. A new place is a new start , Rain"

Rain also thought of that idea before ,
to let go of her childish dream of writing and get a proper carrier that can at least pay her well , and now with her unborn child she has to think of that again


Thanks for reading 🤎🥥

It's a short chapter , I'm sorry

Please write me your opinions and don't forget to 
V O T E & C O M M E N T !

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