Chapter eighteen

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"Being with me is so boring now, right ?"

"Rain , I love being with you even if
I have nothing to say. I wish I could take your pain away . I know I can't, but I will always be there to help you through this ." He said and comfort silence filled their air, with silent tears , she inhaled a long breath but even this couldn't stop the streaming agony tears from her heart .

They always say that life goes on, but why does she feel like everything had ended but the growing sadness that aches everyday harder than ever . All she feels is regret carving inside her , she knows that her depression will numb her for a while and that she has to do something about it .

Yes she regretted everything she did but still if she could return time back she'd still run away . But she'd have called her, making Oliver know her , making her happy moments more
At least making more memories !

But you can't go back in time and you can't stay blaming yourself and till they meet again , She won't ever move on but she'll accept the fate and she'll miss her

6 months later

"Did you pack everything ?" Andrei asked Rain, they were going on a small trip with Elijah and Lia too . They all needed to relax for a while

"Yes , when was the flight again ?" Rain asked while making sure of everything once more

"Mmmm 30 minutes ago"

"What !!"

"Calm down just kidding, we are going with my private jet ,once we are ready we're going . Did you call Lia ?"

"No I'm going to call her now"

"Ok my love" He said, kissed her on her forehead then left to make sure Oliver was okay with his grandfather. Rain's father is staying here for a while. His relationship with his daughter is the best now . Although Andrei offered him to stay at his place, he refused . He didn't want to be a burden but even when he's not staying with Rain, he never lost connection with her for a whole day .

"Still won't tell me where we're going ?"

"It's a surprise , you'll love it just trust me .."


"You're late" Elijah said a bit irritated

"Mmmm sorry, I was just choosing the outfit and.." lia said

"Didn't ask just let's go" He said and took the mint colored luggage from her

Lia was always confused from his way one day he flirts with her and feels jealous when she talk to other males and now he doesn't even talk to her properly. Like if he was forced to come

She can't stand this anymore she wanted to face him but decided to wait when she saw him on a serious call

He opened the car door to her, still with manners she thought ! Which just makes everything more complicated to understand

She got in and they didn't talk
All she did was watching the road, she actually spent more hours to choose an outfit but he didn't say anything about it , just complained about her being late

She heard him sighing in anger, she knows that something is wrong but she was afraid to ask she was actually afraid of his answer she didn't want to hear any hurtful comments

"Is everything o-okay ?" He ignored her until they reached to Rain. She won't ever talk to him again unless he changes this period attitude

"You look amazing !! Is all of this for Elijah ! He's is pretty lucky" Rain whispered the last part to lia

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