Chapter four

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Phosphenes .. (n.) the colours or "stars" you see when you rub your
eyes ✨

4 years later

Rain was being awaken by her little annoying but lovely alarm , his little hands were pulling hers out of bed, but when he noticed that his way wasn't good enough to wake her up, he changed his mind and jumped next to her on the bed kissing her all over her cheeks

She kept smiling, pretending that she was still sleeping , enjoying the moment with her child

"Mommy wake up .."

How could she leave this paradise and go to face the world, but she still has to work, she thought , then carried her little Oliver tickling him ,
But not too much as tickling can overwhelm the nervous system and make children feel helpless .
His giggles can simply make her day

"So little Prince, what do you wanna eat on breakfast?"

"Pancakes with berry sauce, please" He said sweetly

She bend down and leaned on her knees to be at the same height as his, and kissed him saying
"You got what you want, little prince .. just give me 10 mins and I'll follow you to the kitchen"

Rain quickly picked a simple outfit for the hospital, and went to prepare the breakfast when Ophilia showed up

"I see you you didn't wait for me !" Ophilia said

"Olivee look who finally showed up and blaming us"

"Liaa !" Oliver said excitedly and ran to ophilia hugging her , it's like he didn't see her since decades , but she was just out for a week visiting her mother

"I brought you lots of things, wanna spend the day with aunt lia and play together ?"

"No Mommy promised to take me out today .. Mommy ?"

Ophilia looked at her friend knowing that she's busy , Ophilia was always there with Rain bringing up her child together, and she knows that Rain has to work even when she wants to spend more time with Oliver

She knows that's hard for Rain to do everything against her old personality, the thing she has always been escaping from , she is doing it now

Just working to bring money for her and Oliver . So she returned back to her old carrier as a doctor, she likes to help people of course, but she still wants to follow her youth's dream even when she says the opposite and that she has overcame her past

Deep inside Ophilia , she considered herself as a godmother to Oliver .. she loved him and also changed to have a fixed carrier at a hotel

"Olivee , you know that Mommy has to work , so how about spending the day with me, I've missed you a lot and Rain will take you out at weekend ?" Lia asked cheerfully to not make oliver sad , she knows that he'll understand the situation , he was very brilliant

"I know that Mommy is saving people's lives , she's my superhero .. I forgive her for today but I'm choosing the place for the weekend"

"Okay fair enough you're smart kid , here hi5" lia said then they all sat together having their breakfast ,

"Bye Mommy" Oliver waved to Rain

"I'll make it up for you , I promise"

"Pinky promise ?"

"Okay my petit Prince"

"Done , Making a pinky promise, it's a deal . No change is allowed within a hundred years"

"I know . I'm the one who told you that !" Rain said playfully , while playing with his curly hair and then went to her car

About half an hour later , she reached at the hospital of New York

"Doc. Rain , thank god you came now, we've a critical case in the emergency of a 26 year old man ..."

"Where's Doc. Noah ? And why didn't you call me earlier ?" Rain asked furiously while walking to the patient

"I just called him , he's stuck in the traffic jam" the nurse said trying to walk fast behind Rain who was nearly running

"F**k , sorry tell me the patient's
history "

"It's been half an hour , he isn't responding to .."

Rain examined him fast the case was kinda stable , till the indicators gone above the normal range suddenly , his heart beats became abnormal

"He's facing arrhythmia , Give me the cardioversion now !" Raid yelled in fear he'd have a heart arrest , she made all the procedures needed to save him , until his indicators returned back to normal

A case after another , she had a stressful shift as always . Finally it was lunch time

"Rain , please just don't ignore me , I'm sorry but it was the traffic jam" Naoh said he was her colleague here as a doctor and her friend from high school

"So if he died today you'd just blame it on the road !"

"It wasn't completely my mistake too, Alex wasn't here too , although he was on the night shift , he shouldn't have gone until one of us comes first .. Aughh fine I'll take one week of shifts extra to punish myself, okay ?"

"Okay ! let's see if you can keep your promise .."

They were having their lunch peacefully knowing that anything can happen with the patients at anytime so they were prepared when their phones rang at the same time telling them they have a new case at the emergency ..

Patient's name : Andrei
Age : 31
Sex: male
History : Facing a concussion due to car accident ...


Thanks for reading ❤🍒

The next chapter will be on Andrei's pov , if you've any recommendations about his pov tell me : )

Please write me your opinions and don't forget to 
V O T E & C O M M E N T

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