Chapter sixteen

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One month later

"Good morning Моя леди" He said and kissed her softly on her cheeks

"Morning" She smiled to him getting her head away from his chest ready to get up

"I just can't get enough of you.." he said while making her rest her head again on his

"I've to go back to work .." she pouted at him while giving him puppy eyes

"Don't look at me like that if you want to be able to walk again today" After what he said he felt hotness from her cheeks burning his bare chest . He chuckled then said again

"let's just take a quick shower then I drop you to work, okay ?"

She nodded to him and let him go first, as a regard to his dirty mind she let him shower separately

Her phone rang bringing her from daydreaming

"Yes lia ?"

"We need to talk , I've something to tell you"

"Ok. I'm listening" she said and sat down properly , she felt seriousness in Lia's voice

"No I want to see you .. Is 2 pm okay with you?"

"Okay I'll meet you at our casual place"

"Okay see you"

Rain through about many things, she put worst scenarios, Is lia pregnant like her past, is it something about oliver. But no Rain is a doctor she'd find out if something is strange with her son . Is it about Andrei or ... ...

"Are you ready to leave Rain ?"


"What's wrong,did something happen?"

"No no I'm ready just thinking about a patient"

"Believe me you're doing great"

"I hope"

After about forty minutes they arrived at her hospital

"See you tonight love" he give her a final goodbye kiss

"Bye bye" She waved at him and entered the hospital, doing same routine as always but what really caught her attention a new patient

Before she read the name, Her telephone rang again it was lia and it was 2:30 pm already

"Yes lia I'm Coming . No I didn't forget , just give me five minutes" Rain said quickly, she felt her heartbeats knocking hardly from her chest
She didn't know why but all her feelings were telling her that something really bad is going to happen

Time skip

"Why are you talking about them now ?"Rain asked furiously

"Rain it's been 5 years ! You're getting married soon, you already have a baby. You even changed your carrier everything has changed yet you didn't call them once"

"Like if they care ..."

"They care Rain , they're your parents"

"Ophilia are you hiding something that I should know ?"

She never really calls lia by her full name, but her mind was staring to over think again. First the patient's report, now this

"Rain, I don't know how to say it. Look I'm not sure, so you needn't panic ."

"Well I booked a room for a couple two days ago named Mr. & Mrs. Adelson
I didn't give it much attention. I mean
it maybe just a coincidence. People from Switzerland or France always come here"

"But I saw them yesterday Rain ... They were going to the hospital. S-she didn't look very .. how can I say .. healthy . Rain I don't understand anything in medicine but I really think you should call her before you regret it. I wanted to tell you about them long time ago but
I know this is a sensitive topic for you ..." Lia continued to talk but everything seemed blurry for Rain

Rain was now sure the last stage of brain tumor's report was her mother's report

The patient is suffering from
glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) .
Had Surgical removal 13 months ago. Finished radiation and chemotherapy successfully. The cancer recurred More aggressively. From the CT and MRI scan; The typical duration of survival following diagnosis is 2–7 months, with fewer than 3–5% of people surviving longer than five years

Rain read the report over and over again till some words were nearly vanishing from her silent tears

Her heart was in pain like if someone stabbed her directly. She couldn't control herself anymore so she rushed to the bathroom crying her soul out. All the memories with her family was coming again so hard. She thought she had forgotten but she didn't

She didn't forget any of their memories
She still remembers when everyone bullied her and made her cry and her mother was there standing by
her side. She still remembers when she took her to her first competition, she still remembers the taste of her food and the warmness that always filled the air with love. She could remember everything but her mother's face was fading away .

Yes Rain was a doctor whose job is to save people and reduce their pain but she couldn't handle the pain she was feeling , because she knows very well that there was no cure left .
And it's all about time now .

She doesn't know how to face her after all this time, she only knows that she has to take her actions more quickly

"Rain ?"

*✧*・༘ *·༘ *·༘ *✧*

Thanks for reading ♡

I'm really sorry if this chapter was a bit sad .. The next one will contain some depressing scenes too . This chapter
I've thought a lot before publishing it but decided to write it anyways

This story is really close to me so
I wanna know your opinions because
I spend many hours trying to find the right words to make you read and
sense the right feelings

I don't know if I succeeded or failed in this , So i want to know your feedbacks

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