Chapter seven

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Aranyhíd .. The Reflection of the Setting or Rising Sun and Moon in the Water ✨

Elijah brought Andrei all the information needed about Rain , at that time while reading the file
He knew all about Rain's family and how she left them to persuade her dream , he knew how he ruined her dream and how hard her life was ; working and raising their child

He also knew from the first time he saw her that she was different but now he wants her to be his and he'll do his best to gain her love

With all of his brainstorming to make her love him, he surely didn't forget the events about his accident and he was smart enough to know it wasn't just an accident and who exactly was behind it, he made a small plan to remain under cover, and make them think they had succeed .

His plan was like killing two birds with one stone . To rise again and hit them at the time they think they had succeeded and also taking a break from all of his world and spend more time with his child and his future wife

He still doesn't know how he'll persuade her to make him stay with Oliver , but it doesn't matter because he always gets what he wants, either it was by convincing or manipulating

Remembering all about the business party or charity event that Noah told Rain about , he found his chance to take the first steps in his plan

He wore one of his luxurious suites and head towards the event knowing he'll find her there .. Luckily for him it was
a masquerade , so he won't ruin his plans

It was easy for him to attend there and get the invitation, all the people there knew him and his powers .. All the girls there wanted to attract his attention but his attention was focused on one thing

He waited there impatiently for Rain, more like kids when they get excited to try new sweets

And his sweet dream came finally, her look was heart shaking, with her blue dress that felt like a pure blue sky full of stars, she just looked like a princess lost in a world that doesn't fit her beauty

And his sweet dream came finally, her look was heart shaking, with her blue dress that felt like a pure blue sky full of stars, she just looked like a princess lost in a world that doesn't fit her beauty

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She didn't notice his presence at first but when their eyes met, he could tell that she went nervous and maybe a glance of fear appeared on her face

She went to a quiet place and he followed her there

"Mr.Andrei we need to talk before .. " She finally took a step towards him and courage to talk but he interrupted her

"It's just Andrei , it's weird not to call your future husband by his name "

"What husband! I'm not gonna marry you , i don't know you and .."

"Chill down you'll know me with time and it's not like we are going to marry tomorrow .."

"Not now and not in the future, we just spent one night together, you can just consider it was a mistake and forget about me .."

"It's either we get married within a month and live like a real family raising our child together or you won't see him again . It's your choice" He didn't want to make her afraid but it was his way to threat people, he doesn't have time for date now

"You're not gonna do this, you can't take my child away from me ..."

"Believe me i can . I guess you still don't know me . How about you Google my name for once then talk again"

He said and took a small steps towards her making her return back in a reflex till her back was touching the wall like what usually happens in the movies

"Btw you look so hot tonight that i want to remake our memories from that night .." His hot breath sent shivers all over her body, she was already in a shock form what he said and didn't even have power to protest against his sudden kiss

She was back to conscious when he left , she couldn't think of anything, she felt numb easily affected by his aura , not knowing what to do she fixed her dress and went back to the party

"Rain where have you been ? I was worried about you "

"Nothing i was J-Just making sure Oliver was okay"

"Oh i see , look the largest shareholder in our hospital is coming today to see how our charity event goes, we've to do our best today to talk with him about our idea . Rain are you listening?"

"Yes Noah. I don't know why but i just keep thinking about one of our patients"

"Think about him or her later , don't worry there're still doctors there who know what to do . Now think about our idea that will help a lot of people around the world .. we've to convince him to invest in our project"

"Okay yes I have to focus on our project now"

"Look he's coming with our CEO" Naoh said pointing to the billionaire of their hospital

"Is that ..."

"Rain meet Mr.Andrei , without his generous support to our hospital, we couldn't have reached to this place now .. Mr.Andrei this is Rain one of our brilliant doctors , she ..." The CEO was introducing them to each other .
Now Rain made sure he wasn't lying about his powers and that made her afraid to lose her son and the small peace in her life

but the billionaire who's now known as Andrei had other plans to interrupt the ceo and her thoughts

"Nice to meet you Doctor Rain, again"



First Thanks for reading

But, Please write me your opinions .
I really need to know your feedbacks , this story is so underrated . It's not the first time I write stories but this one I expected to be more popular. I'm really sorry but I think I'll have to stop writing it till i get a better support and make better chapters i guess . . .

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