Chapter twenty

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•Close your eyes, fall in love,stay there•

🌿"I choose to love you in silence..
For in silence I find no rejection,

I choose to love you in loneliness..
For in loneliness no one owns you
but me,

   I choose adore you from distance..

For distance will shield me from
pain ,

I choose to kiss you in the wind..
For the wind is gentler than my

I choose to hold you in my dreams..
For in my dreams, you have
no end ."🌿

Lia woke up feeling terrible pain from headache and around her waist, she looked up to the source of this heaviness around her

"Elijah? What're doing here ?"

"You're safe now just rest for a while" He told her with a lazy sleepy voice that made him more sexy for her, but her mind won against her heart this time, she unwrapped his hands from her and stood up

"I remember now , you're the capo that Matteo was talking about ?" She asked in fear now, It was the first time he saw her afraid of him and refuses his touch and kinda hurt him

"How do you know Matteo ?"

"None of your business, Elijah. I'm leaving now so if you can please give me back my phone to call a cab ...." She asked not looking at his eyes

He too stood up now and went to her direction,blocking her way and making her go back till her back was facing the wall. He trapped her completely by putting both his hands around her
Which made a shiver runs through her body

"Listen here Ophilia, no one gives me orders.You're at my territory, so I expect you behave or there would be consequences. And as you now know about my work,then there won't be going out for you,unless I say so "

"Are you crazy you won't control my life, you ..."She pointed at him and while she was talking he took both her hands above her

"I guess you didn't understand , you won't interrupt me again like that . You're mine now.You'll be living with me,you do as I say,capito mia signora?" He asked calmly but with threat while he tightened his grip around her waist making her closer to him

It was different side of him she never saw, she thought that him ignoring her is the worst thing but she was just naive as this was the most wicked

But for some reasons she didn't know she was turned on from his attitude, she knows that he won't hurt her. He saved her many times already

It looked like he understood what she was going through and leaned to kiss her, she kissed him back with same passion, he then knelt and caught her up and carried her to their bed

He was now above her kissing her deeply, he again put her hands above her, making her under his control completely

"W-wait !"

"What's wrong? Did i hurt you ?"

"Look I read about this syndrome before, Stockholm where captive falls in love with her kidnapper and ...." He put his finger oh her mouth shutting her up

"Shhh ! You're not suffering from a stupid syndrome Ophilia. You want this like I want it because you already love me"

"Do I ?"

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