Chapter nineteen

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Lia was starting to feel like she was a burden on Rain and Andrei, She came with them because of Elijah but now since he's not here, she feels like she doesn't fit in there

She changed her outfit to go by her own to discover the place, she wanted to have a long walk by herself

She changed her outfit to clubbing outfit, she really needed a drink and it was already night so she can get drunk till morning, she feels no-one will ever notice her disappearance so it's okay

"Another shot, please" After she felt liquor inside her body starting to control her and that she may not be able to return by her own she decided to pay and leave

"Madame it's already payed" The bartender said with an accent

"But I still didn't...."

"I did tesoro" She looked at the source of this deep voice, to see a handsome man but not as handsome as Elijah, standing beside her

"You didn't have to, how can I pay you back ?"

"Please it's on me, you can just go out with me one-day and we consider your debt done" He smirked to her , if it was another man she would've slapped him or something but this one doesn't look like a pervert. He looks like a model and his accent is too sexy to handle it just reminds her of Elijah . But how comes if Elijah was Russian!

"Maybe we can go out now ? You were already leaving, come on let me show you the place, you seem you haven't seen it yet ?... At least tell me your name ?" Lia thought that spending her day with him wouldn't be so wrong she's not in a real relationship anyways

"Ophilia but it's just Lia"

"Matteo, so will you go out with me ?" He looked cute now rather than sexy,
Like if he was afraid from her answer
And getting a rejection

"Okay I hate it in here to be honest"

"Bella scelta, fiore mia aspetta qui, prendo solo le chiavi ... oh I'm sorry
I'll just bring something and come wait here" He said and went to VIP room
He must be really rich lia also the suit he was wearing , she couldn't take her eyes off him

"Ok let's go" He came soon heading outside with his hand around her waist

They walked till they reached to his car which was near an alley , it was now 11pm which was okay in America, the place would still be crowded by people but here was the opposite there was no-one and everything was quiet

Until she heard a begging of old man she couldn't understand a word since it was all in Italian but she felt something was wrong, she looked at Matteo who had worried expressions all over his features

"Matteo what's happening?"

"Nothing bella just get in the car"

"But something doesn't feel alright like it's..."

"Lia now !"

He understood everything it was the Mafia, no-one comes at this place at this time unless he was suicidal or in the Mafia itself

She panicked from his way and didn't trust him anymore, she was just going to leave peacefully till she heard the gunshot . They killed him, she doesn't know why or who were these people
But she now witnessed a crime,

"Sei stupido ti ho detto di entrare, ora sei nei guai, dobbiamo portarti dal capo" He said with anger, he was now really scary sending her bad vibes about him. He went to grab her wrist and walked her back to his car

"What're you saying ? Leave me I'm .."

"Boss you were here !? Who is she ?"
A man from alley came with gun and blood all over his hand

When she heard boss she knew she was in a real trouble why didn't she just grief in home !!

"Sir I'm s-sorry . I swear I didn't see anything I'll just leave, p-please let me go" She was crying now she didn't want to die here, she still have a lot to see , she wanted to see Rain's wedding and she want to have a family too no it's too early for her to die

"You think you can leave now ?" He opened the car and pushed her inside and cuffed her hand in the car preventing her from escaping

"I'm s-so sorry p-please .." She was nearly having a panic attack, she was diagnosed with anxiety since she was twelve years old , when her parents divorced

"I've nothing to do now to help you, the capo won't kill you ..  probably , just calm down" He said and took her in his arms to calm her down but she panicked more

Matteo was afraid she wouldn't handle it anymore, He wasn't really good at calming people and his job didn't help it too , he took out a needle from his pocket and injected her with it

Now she'll have a peaceful sleep for some hours

A few hours later they reached his Capo's mansion, it was well guarded but as they know Matteo, because he was the capo's right hand they let him in easily

He already told his boss about her, and he wasn't really glad about it , he hates involving innocent people in his work maybe that's why he let go of his lover previously

Matteo chained Lia in the basement and waited for her to wake up, because if his boss came before she wakes up he'll be in serious problem. Luckily for him the drug wasn't that strong

"Lia .."

"Where am I ? Please let me go !" She struggled under chains but nothing happened except she got her self into pain because of the metal chains

"Ophilia believe me I was being patient with you, calm down and stop screaming or I'll gag you up . The boss is coming so behave or else he'll shot you between your eyes !"

She stopped screaming but the sound of her sobbing filled the place

"Capo , questa è la ragazza" lia heard footsteps coming stronger but she was too afraid to look up

"Perché la stai incatenando ? liberala ora "

The sound she heard was so familiar to her, she decided to take a quick glance on the sound but her vision was blurry from all her crying , black dots started to form and she lost her conscious on the chair

"Ophilia ?!.. Matteo , sei in un problema profondo.She's the one I've been telling you about !"

"I-I didn't know Elijah, but now I understand why you were losing your mind" He winked at him

"lei è la tua regina . She's your queen now, I can't believe you did that, are you my foe !!"

"Come on it's not that bad, now you can be with her since she knew everything"

Elijah was the king of Italian Mafia and after he took over the Russian mafia,He actually owns the whole underground world now

Although he's powerful and most feared one but still he has enemies .
He wanted to make sure that they don't take another breath first, then he'd go and confess his love to lia

He loved her, he knows that he fu*ked up with her many times and ignored her but it was all for her safety. He was also afraid of telling her about his job , he was afraid that she might leave him

But now luckily for him and unlikely for her. She knew everything it was their fate he thought, She can't leave now even if she wanted to

He'll make sure to treat her as the queen she deserves but first he'll have to calm her down and make her listen to him

He carried her to his bedroom, kissed her forehead then slept next to her while cuddling her softly .. He is going to have a long day with her tomorrow


Hello my dear readers ! ☁️☁️
Hope you're all fine and having a
really beautiful day 💚🍃

Well I couldn't stop myself from writing about mafia, If you ever read any of
my previous books you'd understand me 😅

If you liked this chapter please support me with votes and writing your feedbacks

If anyone here from Italy I really need to apologise for this stereotype that happens a lot here
♡Grazie per aver letto♡

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